Мой любимый спорт плаванье. Плаванье один из видов спорта, плаванье очень полезно для здоровья. Плаванье полезна всем например: пожилым, беременным, молодым людям а также дети. А также занятия плаваньем ты похудеешь а дальше можешь поискать в интернете
1. I′ve got a lot of relatives. 2. They′ve got meat for dinner today. 3. She′s got two brothers. 4. We′ve got a guest today. 5. He′s got a family of four. 6. She′s got a new dress. 7. I′ve got a lot of English books. 8. He′s got a dog.
1. Has he got a car? 2. Have they got a house? 3. Has she got children? 4. Have you got brothers? 5. Has he got a new job? 6. Has she got a lot of friends? 7. Have they got a camera? 8. Have you got fish soup for dinner today?
1. I haven’t got a family. 2. She hasn′t got children. 3. He hasn′t got a car. 4. They haven′t got a house. 5. You haven′t got French books. 6. I haven’t got a brother. 7. My friend hasn′t got relatives in Moscow. 8. She hasn′t got friends.
The USA is situated in the central part of North America and it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico (Present Simple)
There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic (symbolized by a “donkey”) and the Republican (its symbol is an “elephant”) (Present Simple)
The flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes” (Present Simple)
Such industries as machine-building, ship-building are highly developed in the country (Present Simple)
My favorite sport is swimming.