1895 - Joseph William Foster (Bolton, England) manufactured the first studded shoes. This caused a great resonance and admiration of the people and attracted the attention of the people to Sports shoes
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1895 — Джозеф Уильям Фостер (Болтон, Англия) изготовил первую шипованную обувь. Это вызвало большой резонанс и восхищение народа и привлекло внимание народа к спортивной обуви
I think there is no man in this world who doesn't want to make a fortune. As for me the most important question after my previous statement is :"In what ways ?" Is it possible to make fortune without cheating and without crossing over a large number of people? I think it is possible. Right mind and strong-willed character are the quality of such kind of person. There is not so much difference between how people made fortunes in the past and how they make fortunes now. Of course , conditions and opportunities are not the same . Wise and skilled man can make a fortune. I think 99.9 percents of hard working can help to make a fortune but the rest is luck .
Is there a table in the room? Есть листол в комнате? Is there any food in the fridge?Есть ли еда в холодильнике? Is there a chemist's in the neighbourhood?Есть ли аптека в срседстве? Is there a carrot on the table?Есть ли морковь на столе? Is there a armchair in the living room? Есть ли кресло в гостинной? Are there any animals in the zoo? Есть ли некоторое количество животных в зоопарке? Are there any oranges in the supermarket?Есть апельсины в супермарките? Are there any cups in the cupboard?Есть ли чашки в ящикедля посуды. Are there any plates in the restaurant? Есть ли тарелки в ресторане? Are there any cushions on the sofa?Есть ли подушки на диване?
1895 - Joseph William Foster (Bolton, England) manufactured the first studded shoes. This caused a great resonance and admiration of the people and attracted the attention of the people to Sports shoes
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1895 — Джозеф Уильям Фостер (Болтон, Англия) изготовил первую шипованную обувь. Это вызвало большой резонанс и восхищение народа и привлекло внимание народа к спортивной обуви