read the texts given below. for questions (1–6), choose from the schools (a–d).
a pembrey memorial community centre
pembrey memorial community centre continues its tradition of training in the domestic crafts, but this year, for the first time, pembrey is also offering courses in arts and athletics. monday, tuesday and thursday are reserved for cooking, embroidery and needlework classes. on wednesdays we offer a break for those who wish to relax and exercise; golf or aerobics classes. there is also a new landscape painting class on offer. the treelined hills surrounding the campus are a beautiful area to paint.
b glan-y-mor comprehensive
glan-y-mor comprehensive school offers two exciting new courses this semester, both with guest instructors. a dressmaking course for those interested in designing clothes for the theatre will be offered on wednesday nights. teaching it is madeline albright, who has won numerous awards for her costumes in london theatres. she has done the dressmaking for shakespeare’s plays as well as contemporary musicals such as guys and dolls. also offered for the first time is a course in computer skills. on wednesdays the focus is on programming, while thursdays are reserved for beginners wishing to learn word processing and other basic skills. donald matthews, a consultant with ibm in new york, teaches.
c pentip language school
the pentip language school teaches german, spanish and welsh at all levels. the classes are only offered on mondays and tuesdays this year. there’s a special two-week programme in the spanish department during the spring semester. twelve students will be able to travel to madrid where they will attend classes, live with spanish families and be placed in a spanish company for three working days to observe and learn from the business community in spain.
d the avenue learning centre
the avenue learning centre is for those who need extra help with their reading, writing and communication skills. you can study maths for work or home, work on study skills or gain support while studying. teachers are in the office at all hours to give private tutoring or answer any questions. for the first time, we are also offering a course in sign language for the hearing-impaired.
which school(s) would you recommend for someone who:
is interested in computer programming? (1)
wants to improve their writing skills? (2)
enjoys learning about cookery? (3)
wants to improve their computer skills? (4)
wants to take the opportunity to go abroad? (5)
is interested in costume design? (6)
"Знаменитая скачущая лягушка из Калавераса" - один из самых наиболее любимых коротких рассказов Твена, а Приключения Тома Сойера - один из его самых известных романов. С обоими этими произведениями связаны мероприятия, проводимые ежегодно четвертого июля, в Национальные дни Тома Сойера . Мальчик на фото участвует со своей лягушкой в лягушачьем конкурсе прыжков. Есть здесь также и конкурс по покраске забора, чтобы посмотреть, кто может в нём быть самым быстрым. Идея этого конкурса идет со сценки про Тома Сойера, в которой тому было сказано, покрасить забор перед домом, в котором он живет. Был прекрасный день, и он предпочел бы делать что угодно, но не красить забор. Когда приходят его друзья, он убеждает их, что красить забор очень весело, и они присоединиться к "веселью". К концу дня, забор имеет три слоя краски!
Хотя история про Тома Сойера - это вымысел, она основана на фактах. Если вы будете в городке Ганнибал, вы увидите белый забор, который до сих пор стоит у дома, где провёл своё детство Марк Твен.