1. They said that skydrivers had to be eighteen or older and should be very fit.
2. They added that the equipment could only weigh around 15 kilos.
3. They told me that each skydriver had two parachutes.
4. He said that at one points he was falling at a speed of 120 mph, and at that speed he couldn't breathe. He pointed out that skydivers didn’t suffocate, because their body absorbed oxygen through the skin at that pressure.
5. He remarked he didn't land like sack of flour as he had expected, and the landing was quite smooth.
6. He added that it was a great experience, and he was looking forward to his next jump!
She knows me even better than I know myself. We have been through a lot of happy times, good times, sad times and bad times together in our lives. Whenever I need assistance with anything in life, she is the person who I go to. I truely wish more people in life could experience a friendship like we have and for those I am so very proud of her accomplishments. I am very fortunate to have a best friend who I turn to for the many things in my life and I would not give her up for anything in the world.