1. Alice HAD a sister.
2. Her sister’s name WAS Ann.
3. She GOT up at seven o'clock.
4. She WENT to the institute in the morning.
5. Jane WAS fond of sports.
6. She DID her morning exercises every day.
7. Sometimes she TOOK a bus.
8. My working day BEGAN at six o'clock.
9. I LEFT home at half past seven.
10. We usually HAD four classes a day.
Вставь в предложения подходящие по смыслу глаголы:
(took, lived, swam, broke, helped)
1. I BROKE a cup yesterday.
2. Mary TOOK part at the concert last month.
3. We HELPED our grandparents in the garden in summer.
4. Five ducks SWAM in our pond on Saturday.
5. My family LIVED in France two years ago.
ответ:Во первых , вопросы записаны не совсем корректно: Where are you planning to..go? Name the planet
If i had an ability to live on the different planet I would definitely choose Mars. I think that this planet has the best conditions and nowadays we already have different researches about Mars.
2)What will you do if you see aliens or some unusual animals?
This is a really interesting question . I think that I wouldn't be scared of it, because I have seen a lot of films about aliens and read comics about it.