Alice was a little girl who lived with her sister. She was kind and lighthearted. She believed in miracle and wanted others to believe. She was really creative and imaginative, she made another world in her mind. I reckon the fact that she is strange has a big advantage : she can stay calm in all situations. She was in the world full of strange things. She didn't panic she became a part of that world, I don't think that ''normal" person will able to do this. Alice is a fantastic character. I really liked reading about her adventures.
Новый год в США отмечается 1 января. Празднование начинается накануне вечером, когда американцы собираются вместе, чтобы пожелать друг другу счастья и процветания в наступающем году.
Об украшении дома как внутри, так снаружи американцы задумываются задолго до 1-го января. Магазины рождественских и новогодних игрушек и украшений открываются еще в октябре. Здесь можно найти всё дл празднования Нового года - от салфеток и посуды с особым орнаментом до Санта-Клаусов на газон. New Year is celebrated in the US on January 1st. The celebration begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
On the decoration of the house, both inside outside the Americans are thinking long before January 1st. Shopping Christmas and New Year's toys and ornaments opened in October. Here you can find everything for the celebration of the New Year - from napkins and utensils with a special ornament to Santa Claus on the lawn.
I reckon the fact that she is strange has a big advantage : she can stay calm in all situations. She was in the world full of strange things. She didn't panic she became a part of that world, I don't think that ''normal" person will able to do this.
Alice is a fantastic character. I really liked reading about her adventures.
Надеюсь, что подойдёт.