Просмотрите текст и определите, в каком абзаце
a) рассказывается о классификациях правовых систем в дается понятие «правовой семьи»;
c) перечисляются признаки правовой системы;
d) дается представление о международном праве.
найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям на языке.
1) действующие нормы права
2) отрасли и институты права
3) существующая система общественных отношений
4) в соответствии с основными признаками
5) почти все страны
6) международное право
7) человечества
8) правовые семьи.
1) what is a system of law? according to russian scholars it is the internal structure of law defined by social relations. it is expressed by unity and coordination of all acting legal norms and their implementation in branches and institutions of law. the characteristics of the legal system are:
reflection of the existing system of social relations;
unity and consistency of all norms of law;
division into relatively independent parts — branches, sub-branches and institutions of law;
close connections between different elements of a law system;
stability and dynamism.
2) when rules and laws become systematized inside one country they make national legal systems and these systems can be classified into families according to their main features. there are about 200 legal systems in the world. throughout the history of mankind there were various attempts to classify them. in the past, legal systems have often been grouped by geography, history, culture, race, language, religion, or official ideology. nowadays, scholars define the following legal blocks:
national legal systems;
legal families;
groups of legal families.
3) although each modern system has its own individuality, it is possible to
group many of them into legal “families”. the existing legal systems of nearly
all countries are generally modeled upon elements of several main types:
civil law (roman-germanic legal family);
common law (anglo-saxon legal system);
religious law;
customary law;
mixed or pluralistic law.
4) the additional type of the legal system — international law — can be referred to as the law which governs the conduct of independent nations in their relationships. its part, the law system of the european community, has become the first example of the newly created supranational legal system
As for clothes royals, it might even be sewn from silk. Upper tunic often decorated with colorful, very complex embroidered patterns. In addition to the Irish national dress embroidery can be decorated with braid (bottom product, sleeves and collar), wedges of colored fabrics and contrasting thread (external seams).
Earlier in Ireland operated a special decree on the color, which states that every Irishman could use to decorate their clothes, and a well-defined combination of colors (it depended on the type of activity the Irishman and his position in society). In the more wealthy citizens, national costumes were much more colorful and brighter than the commoner.
On the Irish National Male Costume largely influenced by nothing other than the constant bad weather and strong winds. Therefore, the Irish worn over tight shirts or plaid boucle jackets, which have a sweater or vest to hook. In Ireland, the traditional headdress is a constant wedge cap. In the twentieth century to such a suit it has been added to the black heavy coat greatcoat cut and long coats.