И то и другое. Подарки всегда выбираю с любовью, догадываюсь, что угожу, ну и получать тоже люблю Но больше всего конечно же особенно те которые они явно не ожидают.
,, Which makes the neighbor kind" When l come into the classroom and sit down at my desk l see my neighbor who plays the phone.Lessons are starting.As always my neighbor cheats and makes crids.Every day has to help.But one day my neighbor began to help me to put a briefcaseb behind me and help me to do my homework.It turned out that he had adsolutely no friends.I felt so sorry for him I became friends with him.After that we became best friends.He began to help me in the dining room, I began to help him deal whith mats ( ну или другие уроки ).
1) My brother doesn`t work, he studies at the University. 2) I will read the book in to days and then I will give it to you. 3)Where did you live last year? 4) We went to the cinema a few days ago and then we discussed the film. 5) When will your father come home from work? 6) It usually takes me twenty minutes to get to school. 7) Every morning he gets up at six o`clock and does his physical exercises. 8) She brought me a very interesting book yesterday. 9)I didn`t go to school yesterday. It was Sunday. (Я не уверена в ответах, так как я только в 6 классе. Проверь, если будет возможность)
Но больше всего конечно же особенно те которые они явно не ожидают.