15. will be, will stop, will have 16. will miss 17. will make, flies 18. starts, will spend 19. will watch, finishes
Просто вставь это в предложения, я прономеровал если что...
1.Prince John said to Locksley why he was shouting.
Prince John said to Locksley what he was name.
2.The teacher asked who had read "Ivanhoe”.
The teacher asked whom had it written by.
3.One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature what novels would we read following year.
4.The French- man asked was the river Volga in Russia.
5.Ann said were you playing volleyball, girls.
Ann said she hadn't known that you liked it.
6.Peter said to us not to touch these photographs.
Peter said to us they were still wet, and you may spoil them.
7.Fred said did your friend often come here, boys.
Fred said he wanted to speak to him.
8.My friend said to me how had you managed to solve that
difficult problem in such a short time.
9.The teacher said to us you would write a paper following day.
10.Kate said to Nick she had seen a new film previous day.
Nick asked had you like it.
1. Goods trains carry goods. Passenger trains carry passengers. Mail trains and passenger trains are usually combined. Mail trains carry mail, or post, that is letters, parcels, newspapers and magazines.
2. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at every large stations.
3. Non-stopping trains stop only at large stations. They stop so rarely that you can call them non-stopping.
4. Local trains connect points situated not far away from each other, say, a hundred or two-three hundred kilometers. By a long-distance train you can travel very far- for thousands of kilometers.
5. Sometimes, when traveling a long distance, you have to change trains ( or make a changing), that is get off one train and board another, if there is no through train to the place of your destination.
6. You need an overnight train when you are traveling a long distance.
7. Overnight trains have sleeping accommodation: they usually have “corridor cars”, i.e. carriages with separate compartments (they are called sleeping cars, or sleepers).
8. In each compartment there are two lower and two upper berths, on which you can sleep like in bed. So 4 people can travel in one compartment.
9 и 10 персонализированные (9. Вы предпочитаете верхние или нижние места в поезде? Почему? 10. Когда последний раз вы путешествовали поездом?)
15 are, will stop, will have
16 miss
17 will make, flies
18 starts, will spend
19 will watch, finishes
*В придаточных времени и условия вместо будущего используются глаголы в наст. времени