Нужно описать ситуацию на картинке. Что случилось, и что делают люди. ******************* In the picture we can see a road traffic accident in which the red car hit the blue car. The trunk of the blue car is very damaged, and the front part of the blue car is damaged, too. The driver of the blue car is a very high and strong man, he is very angry and he is yelling loudly. The driver of the red car is a skinny little man. He is very upset and he is holding his head with his hands. I feel sorry for both drivers and their broken machines.
На картине мы можем видеть дорожно-транспортное происшествие, в котором красная машина ударила синюю машину. У синей машины багажник очень поврежден, а у синей машины передняя часть разбита. Водитель синей машины очень высокий и сильный мужчина, он очень зол и громко кричит. Водитель красной машины худой невысокий мужчина. Он очень расстроен и держит голову руками. Мне жалко обоих водителей и их разбитые машины.
1)It was warm but windy 2)They were busy last night 3)Were you in the county the day before yesterday? - No? I was in Moscow 4)We were in London last summer
1)Jil and Jim go to the country every summer 2)He will read this fairy tale tomorrow 3)Tiny was in Africa two weeks ago 4)Did you water the flowers yesterday? 5)What did you draw the day before yesterday?
1)Yes I were/No I weren't 2)Yes they did 3)No she wasn't 4)No they weren't 5)No he didn't
have- had give- gave take- took sit- sat fly- flew visit- visited come- came read- read write- wrote make- made
In the picture we can see a road traffic accident in which the red car hit the blue car. The trunk of the blue car is very damaged, and the front part of the blue car is damaged, too. The driver of the blue car is a very high and strong man, he is very angry and he is yelling loudly. The driver of the red car is a skinny little man. He is very upset and he is holding his head with his hands. I feel sorry for both drivers and their broken machines.
На картине мы можем видеть дорожно-транспортное происшествие, в котором красная машина ударила синюю машину. У синей машины багажник очень поврежден, а у синей машины передняя часть разбита. Водитель синей машины очень высокий и сильный мужчина, он очень зол и громко кричит. Водитель красной машины худой невысокий мужчина. Он очень расстроен и держит голову руками. Мне жалко обоих водителей и их разбитые машины.