1.It used to be that I sat by the window in the kitchen and turned on the radio, these were small moments that delighted me. I especially liked the program about how people congratulated each other on the radio on some holiday in the form of a song, it was nice.
2.I love to watch TV, especially the channels about the documentary film-animal life are very pleasing to me, or cartoons because they are very funny
3.To be honest, I rarely read newspapers, although my parents insist that I read them, because they are very useful, but I love to watch TV
4.Yes,i like it!Sometimes I buy comics, they are quite good with their concept, idea, coloring and drawing. I really like to read them and watch the characters, like in real life
5.I use the Internet every day, in it I take a lot of information, news, about the weather, movies, books, games and much more, but mostly I use it in case of studying. Internet World Wide Web
Джаньюри бринс("н" здесь читается в нос) зэ сноу Фэбьюри бринс зэ коулд Мач бринс рэйн энд уинд эген Эйприл зэн вэйкс ап зэ вёлд Мэй бринс флавэрс ту зэ филдс Джьюн бринс бэрис ту зэ вуд Хот джьюлай бринс сани дэйс Огэст бринс э лат оф фрут Сэптэмбэ бринс ас бэк ту скул Октоубэ бринс зэ коулд энд рэйн Грэй новэмбэ бринс лон("н" читать в нос) найтс Энд ин дисэмбэ ит стартс эген
Звучит не очень приятно)) Лучше откройте г.угл переводчик, вбейте туда весь текст на английском и нажмите на значок мегафончика. Женский приятный голос прочтёт всё на чистейшем английском.
1.It used to be that I sat by the window in the kitchen and turned on the radio, these were small moments that delighted me. I especially liked the program about how people congratulated each other on the radio on some holiday in the form of a song, it was nice.
2.I love to watch TV, especially the channels about the documentary film-animal life are very pleasing to me, or cartoons because they are very funny
3.To be honest, I rarely read newspapers, although my parents insist that I read them, because they are very useful, but I love to watch TV
4.Yes,i like it!Sometimes I buy comics, they are quite good with their concept, idea, coloring and drawing. I really like to read them and watch the characters, like in real life
5.I use the Internet every day, in it I take a lot of information, news, about the weather, movies, books, games and much more, but mostly I use it in case of studying. Internet World Wide Web