У людей есть частное медицинское страхование
The present stage of development of domestic health system is marked, first of all, by its reforming, the main which motive power is the complex of problems of national health system, including a problem of low social and economic efficiency of its activity.
During carried-out reform, the modern health system endures considerable organizational and legal and substantial transformations: the legislative base for the health care reform, directed on decentralization of the state system of medical care and management of health care is created; the system of obligatory medical insurance is realized, branch restructuring is carried out, the private sector of health care develops.
1. Вспомни и запиши известные тебе сложные английские слова.
a snowman, an exercise-book. mother-in-law. merry-go-round. fairy-tale. sportsman. football. basketball. schoolgirl
2. Напиши, что ты любишь делать летом и осенью; что ты не любишь делать зимой и весной.
In autumn I like to go to the forest to pick up mashrooms
In summer I like to go to the river to swim and sunbathe.
In winter I dont like to ski because it is cold and i am not good at it
In spring I dont like to go to the village to plant potatoes
Люди имеют личное мед. страховку.