Извините. Не могли бы вы сказать, когда кормят львов и тигров? Да, конечно. Их будут кормить в 4 часа. А как насчет обезьян? Некоторые из них уже покормлены, но в 3 часа будет чаепитие. Чаепитие? Боюсь, я не понимаю. Обезьянам накрывают стол, чай, чашки и печенье. О, детям это понравится. Да, всем детям это нравится. Я хотел бы знать, что дают морским львам. Когда наступает время кормления, рыбу бросают одну за другой им в рот. За каждым морским львом тщательно присматривают. Теперь морских львов будут кормить. Большое Пойдем! Быстрее, а то опоздаете. They will be fed at 4 o`clock. Some were already fed. The monkeys are given a table, a pot of tea, cups and biscuits. I would like to know what the sea-lions are given. When feeding time comes, fish are thrown one by one into their mouths. Each sea-lion is watched very carefully. The sea-lions will be fed now.
Let me introduce myself. I am Kate. I am 11. My family is small. We are three: my mother, my father and me. I live in Moscow and study in the 5th form. We have 2 pets, a cat and a dog. I help my parents to take care of them. Our family is very friendly.
New Year is coming and i’ve decided to write a letter to you. How are you? How did you spent last holidays? I hope, everything is ok with you. As for me, at school I was getting good and excellent marks the whole year. Best of all I like English, Nature Studies and Literature. It is so interesting to learn new things about our planet. Besides, I help my mother about the house, do some shopping and walk with our dog. So, as you see, I am quite a good child.
I’d like to ask you to present me with a new creativity-set, containing multicoloured beads, some wool for felting and shreds for patchwork. I will be very glad to get an mp3-player or some other interesting gadget. I’m looking forward to the holiday night. It is the time of miracles and fairy-tales. And I hope my desires will come to life. Wish you to be healthy and wealthy enough to fulfill the children’s dreams all over the world.
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