1. he has been learning (pres perf cont - learn) french since he was five.
2. i know (pres simp - know) you are taking (pres cont - take) an advanced geography course now.
3. it has been raining (pres perf cont - rain) since early morning.
4. bbc experts invented (past simp - invent) a new system that lets (pres simp - let) the deaf understand television programmes.
5. by the sixteenth century a new economis system had replaced (past perf - replace) feudalism.
6. the number of people without work is rising (pres cont - rise) very fast.
1. он изучает французский с пяти лет.
2. я знаю, что вы сейчас проходите курс углубленной .
3. шел дождь с раннего утра.
4. эксперты би-би-си изобрели новую систему, которая позволяет глухим понимать телевизионные программы.
5. к шестнадцатому веку новая система заменила феодализм.
6. число людей без работы быстро растет.
about albert einstein (1879-1955), as well as about many
famous eminent explorers of past centuries, legends roam, and
piquant jokes are written. many people tried to describe his biography
different authors, and how strange it was, some of his personalities
related legends, as if “infectious diseases”, have shifted from one
author to another in the form of various retellings. such dissimilar retellings
make it difficult to understand the spiritual world of the great scientist. einstein himself when he
asked to speak about kant, once he expressed that for each
philosopher his kant. the same can be said about different authors,
describing einstein - each of them has its own einstein (f. g., 7
one of the greatest germans in the natural sciences,
albert einstein, among the new researchers allocated a special place in
stories. he stood at the turn of the intersection from the old physics to the new
physics developing the theory of relativity, he improved
classical physics of the electromagnetic field and at the same time
substantiated the new science of space, time and gravity. pursuing in
branches of molecular physics, he did research on the movement
warmth. investigating the gross nature of the thermal flow, he discovered
atomic age. in atomic physics, he gave the key to open the nucleus
atomic energy (fg, 9 s).
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