1. She works in museum.She doesn`t work in museum.Does she work in museum? 2. We often clean our room.We don`t often clean our room.Do we clean our room? 3. It is very important. It isn`t important. Is it important?
1 What percentage of Russian people can afford to travel abroad? 2 How many percent of the Russian people continue to holiday somewhere in Russia? 3 What percentage of Russian travelers prefer seaside resorts abroad? 4 How many types of Russian travelers abroad? 5 What percentage of people continue to rest package tour 6 What percentage of independent tourists who travel on their own? 7 What percentage of business travelers go to rest abroad? 8 How many percent of people visiting friends and relatives abroad? 9 How many percent of people travel just over the border? 10 Where tourists abroad often go ?
И так сначала идёт вопросительное слово, а потом вс глагол, местоимение или имя, глагол и так далее. например What are you doing tonight? иногда в вопросах не бывает вс глагола поэтому вот второй пример Do you like chocolate? А ответы формируются по вопросам. Например Yes, I do/ No, I don't (don't =do not утверждает что нет ) это ответ на второй вопрос. На английском это называется yes no questions то есть вопросы на которых отвечают да или нет А ответ на первый вопрос это просто предложение например I am going to do my homework
2. We often clean our room.We don`t often clean our room.Do we clean our room?
3. It is very important. It isn`t important. Is it important?