Last summer, in july, my father was given leave and we went to the sea. after arrival we moved into the hotel. the room was wonderful, high ceilings, large beds and a swimming pool was right under our balcony. i immediately ran to the beach to swim in the sea and sunbathe. the sea was simply wonderful, warm and calm. we spent the whole day making sand castles, swimming and sunbathing. towards evening a fire was lit on the beach and guests jumped through it. my mother and father took each other's hands and jumped. then tired we went to the room and went to bed. all week we swam, sunbathed, ate wonderful food and had fun. our rest was wonderful. after ten days of rest we went back by train. the train was fast and we did not go very long. then the rest of the summer i had a beautiful tan если надо перевод, пиши
Хорошо известна привязанность (любовь, ну или на крайняк забота) англичан к животным. 4 миллиона котов, 6 миллионов собак, 8 миллионов птиц в клетках, а также огромное количество других животных содержатся в качестве домашних в Англии. Официально зарегистрировано 50 частных зоопарков, в которых содержатся не только кошки и собаки, но и экзотические животные. В стране существует Королевское общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными, которое недавно отпраздновало свой 150-летний юбилей.
2-cristmas tree
4-santa claus