1. Mary asked Boris if he would bring his sister to the party with him.
2. They asked him what time the train started.
3. He asked Peter if Jack had given him his telephone number.
4. I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in the Crimea.
Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Her parents worked as teachers and they brought her up to love learning. Her mother died in 1877. Maria had to become a tutor for a family.
When her sister, who was studying medicine in Paris, got married, she invited Maria to live with them and study at the Sorbonne. Maria became Marie. She studied Physics and Maths and got her Master's degree in both subjects. After her graduation she started research into magnetism. At that time she met Pierre Curie, a young scientist, and soon they got married. They worked together and won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. In 1906, her husband died.
In 1911, she got a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Marie died of radiation poisoning in July, 1934 in Paris. People respect and admire her for her two Nobel Prizes and her being the first woman to ever get one.
Мария Кюри (при рождении Мария Склодовска) родилась в Варшаве, в Польше, в 1867 году. Ее родители работали учителями и привили ей любовь к учебе. Ее мать умерла в 1877 году. Марии пришлось устроиться работать гувернанткой в одной семье.
Когда ее сестра, которая изучала медицину в Париже, вышла замуж, она пригласила Марию жить с ними и учиться в Сорбонне. Мария стала Мари. Она изучала физику и математику и получила степень магистра по обоим предметам. После окончания университета начала изучать магнетизм. В то время она познакомилась с Пьером Кюри, молодым ученым, и вскоре они поженились. Они работали вместе и получили Нобелевскую премию по физике в 1903 г. В 1906 году ее муж погиб.
В 1911 году она получила Нобелевскую премию по химии. Мари умерла от радиационного заражения (лучевой болезни) в июле 1934 года в Париже. Люди уважают и восхищаются ею за ее две Нобелевские премии и за то, что она стала первой женщиной, получившей эту премию.
1) Mary asked Boris if he would bring his sister to the party with him
2)They asked him what time the train started.
3) He asked Peter if Jack had given him his telephone number
4) I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in the Crimea"