The custom of sending Christmas cards was started in the UK in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole. He was a senior civil servant (Government worker) who had helped set-up the new 'Public Record Office' (now called the Post Office), where he was an Assistant Keeper, and wondered how it could be used more by ordinary people.Sir Henry had the idea of Christmas Cards with his friend John Horsley, who was an artist. They designed the first card and sold them for 1 shilling each. (That is only 5p or 8 cents today(!), but in those days it was worth much much more.) The card had three panels. The outer two panels showed people caring for the poor and in the center panel was a family having a large Christmas dinner! Some people didn't like the card because it showed a child being given a glass of wine! About 1000 (or it might have been less!) were printed and sold. They are now very rare and cost thousands of Pounds or Dollars to buy now! The original cards were advertised with the slogan: "Just published, a Christmas Congratulations Card; or picture emblematical of old English festivity to perpetuate kind recollections between dear friends"!The first postal service that ordinary people could use was started in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began (Sir Henry Cole helped to introduce the Penny Post). Before that, only very rich people could afford to send anything in the post. The new Post Office was able to offer a Penny stamp because new railways were being built. These could carry much more post than the horse and carriage that had been used before. Also, trains could go a lot faster. Cards became even more popular in the UK when they could be posted in an unsealed envelope for one halfpenny - half the price of an ordinary letter.
Люди во всем мире любят спорт и игры. Спортивные игры и физические упражнения нам сохранить фигуру и здоровье. Существуют летние и зимние виды спорта. Наиболее популярны зимние виды спорта-катание на коньках, лыжах и санках. Некоторые люди получают огромное удовольствие от Фигурного катания и прыжков с трамплина. Это так приятно ходить на каток или в лес в морозный солнечный день! Очень популярны летние виды спорта и плавания, велоспорт, катание на лодках и яхтах. Это так чудесно дышать свежим воздухом и наслаждаться наблюдая за природой! Дети во всем мире любят играть в игры в доме и на улице . Легкая атлетика, Аэробика, гимнастика пользуются огромную популярностью среди девочек. Многие из них посещают спортивные клубы и тренирруются в тренажерном зале. Мальчики ходят в секцию по боксу, вольной борьбе, футболу, теннису, баскетболу и легкой атлетике. Каждый должен делать все, чтобы он или она могли быть здоровым и выработать сильный характер. "В здоровом теле здоровый дух," говорится в старой латинской пословице.
Nowadays smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol among teenagers are very popular occupations. More and more young people are turning to drugs and alcohol. We must not be indifferent. We should struggle against these harmful habits because our society is in danger. When I go out at weekends, there is a lot of pressure to drink and smoke. But "Every man is the architect of his own fortune", says the proverb. And I always remember this saying. I, personally, don`t smoke and don`t drink alcohol. I go in for sports. I know another proverb - "A sound mind in a sound body". That`s why, I prefer sportto alcohol and tobacco. I spend a lot of time at the school sportground. I regularly make new discoveries in myself when I am left alone with my will-power. I go in for sports because I am fond of being strong. Sport is my life. It is the choice of strong-willed people. Alcohol and drugs are for weak-willed ones. Make your choice! Let your choice be right. Be strong. Overcome your laziness. Remember: "Idleness is mother of all vices". Give up bad habits. Go in for sports! перевод если надоВ наше время курение и распитие спиртных напитков среди подростков являются очень популярными занятиями. Всё больше и больше молодых людей обращаются к наркотикам и алкоголю. Мы не можем оставаться равнодушными. Мы должны бороться с этими вредными привычками, потому что наше общество в опасности. Когда я выхожу гулять в выходные дни, всегда может возникнуть соблазн выпить и закурить. Но "Каждый человек - архитектор своего счастья", говорит пословица. Лично я, не курю и не пью алкоголь. Я занимаюсь спортом. И я знаю ещё одну пословицу - "В здоровом теле здоровый дух". Поэтому алкоголю и табаку я предпочитаю спорт. Много времени я провожу на школьной спортивной площадке. Постоянно делаю новые открытия в себе, когда остаюсь один на один со своей волей. Я занимаюсь спортом, потому что мне нравится быть сильным. Спорт - моя жизнь. Это выбор сильных людей. Алкоголь и наркотики - для слабовольных. Сделай выбор! Пусть твой выбор будет правильным. Будь сильным. Преодолей свою лень. Помни: "Праздность - мать всех пороков". Откажись от вредных привычек. Займись спортом
The custom of sending Christmas cards was started in the UK in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole. He was a senior civil servant (Government worker) who had helped set-up the new 'Public Record Office' (now called the Post Office), where he was an Assistant Keeper, and wondered how it could be used more by ordinary people.Sir Henry had the idea of Christmas Cards with his friend John Horsley, who was an artist. They designed the first card and sold them for 1 shilling each. (That is only 5p or 8 cents today(!), but in those days it was worth much much more.) The card had three panels. The outer two panels showed people caring for the poor and in the center panel was a family having a large Christmas dinner! Some people didn't like the card because it showed a child being given a glass of wine! About 1000 (or it might have been less!) were printed and sold. They are now very rare and cost thousands of Pounds or Dollars to buy now! The original cards were advertised with the slogan: "Just published, a Christmas Congratulations Card; or picture emblematical of old English festivity to perpetuate kind recollections between dear friends"!The first postal service that ordinary people could use was started in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began (Sir Henry Cole helped to introduce the Penny Post). Before that, only very rich people could afford to send anything in the post. The new Post Office was able to offer a Penny stamp because new railways were being built. These could carry much more post than the horse and carriage that had been used before. Also, trains could go a lot faster. Cards became even more popular in the UK when they could be posted in an unsealed envelope for one halfpenny - half the price of an ordinary letter.