1) see, will discuss 2)has, will help 3)travel, will save 4)give, will be offended 5)blame, will serve 6)come, will be happy 7)comes, will be 8)you go to 9)you will feel, after you takes 10)will buy, gets his salary 11) I won't try on this dress before I know... P.S. Пишу сокращенно, а то слишком много. 12) I will wake you up a soon as I get up 13)will make, it lands 14)Fix, will continue 15)He writes, I'll let you know 16)will lie and swim, weather changes 17) will not, he gives up 18) will not lose, you eat 19)хз 20)I'll keep you here unless you tell me the truth
1)begins 2)had 3)Got to 4) will be 5)is lasting 6)has got 7)comes 8)will do 9)takes, took 10)goes, takes 11) Do you like to read books? 12) What foreign language does your friend study? 13)When and where you were born? 14) What are your parents? 15)Do you live in Tula or in Moscow?
Boy after the death of his parents left to live with uncle and aunt, who insulted him to 11 years. After he received a letter from a magical school, and he went down. In this school he found friends. Then in high school started to happen strange things (trolls running around the school, the three-headed giant dog guarding the door. They decided to find out why. In the end, all the fault was the teacher who had two faces, which in the end died.Мальчика после смерти родителей оставили жить у дяди и тёти, которые его обижали до 11 лет. После ему пришло письмо из волшебной школы, и он отправился туда. В этой школе он нашёл друзей. Потом в школе начали происходить странные вещи (троли бегают по школе, трёхголовые гигантские собаки сторожат двери. Они решили узнать в чём причина. В итоге во всём виноват оказался учитель, у которого было два лица, и который в конце умер. Boy after the death of his parents left to live with uncle and aunt, who insulted him to 11 years. After he received a letter from a magical school, and he went down. In this school he found friends. Then in high school started to happen strange things (trolls running around the school, the three-headed giant dog guarding the door. They decided to find out why. In the end, all the fault was the teacher who had two faces, which in the end died. или Гарри Поттер - одиннадцатилетний мальчик, который растет в обычной английской семье и даже не подазревает, что он - настоящий волшебник! Но всему свое время.. . Однажды прилетает сова с письмом для него, и жизнь Гарри изменяется навсегда. Он узнает, что зачислен в Школу Чародейства и Волшебства, узнает правду о загадочной смерти своих родителей, побеждает в смертельном поединке со Злом - и в результате раскрывает секрет философского камня. Harry Potter - an eleven year old boy who grows up in an ordinary English family, and not even podozrevaet that he is a true magician! But all the time.. . Once the owl arrives with a letter for him, and Harry's life is changed forever. He learns that enrolled in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns the truth about the mysterious death of their parents, and wins in a deadly fight against Evil - and reveals the secret of the philosopher's stone.