City life pros:
City life pros: You always have a choice of how to spend your free time. Dozens of master classes, trainings, free events are held every day. There are exhibitions, a museum and a cinema. You can make your leisure time incredibly fulfilling. There is a lot of interesting work in the cities and you will get decent money. In cities there is an opportunity for personal development and sports
City life pros: You always have a choice of how to spend your free time. Dozens of master classes, trainings, free events are held every day. There are exhibitions, a museum and a cinema. You can make your leisure time incredibly fulfilling. There is a lot of interesting work in the cities and you will get decent money. In cities there is an opportunity for personal development and sports Minuses :
City life pros: You always have a choice of how to spend your free time. Dozens of master classes, trainings, free events are held every day. There are exhibitions, a museum and a cinema. You can make your leisure time incredibly fulfilling. There is a lot of interesting work in the cities and you will get decent money. In cities there is an opportunity for personal development and sports Minuses : Most city dwellers have a rented apartment. We have to deal with paying rent and paying for utilities in addition. The air in the city is polluted with exhaust gases
Жизнь в городе плюсы :
У вас всегда есть выбор, как провести свободное время. Каждый день проходят десятки мастер-классов,тренингов, бесплатных мероприятий. Работают выставки, музей и кино. Вы можете сделать свой досуг невероятно насыщенным. В городах много интересной работы и вы будете получать приличные деньги. В городах есть возможность для личного развития и занятия спортом
Минусы :
У большинство городских жителей квартира съёмная. Приходится сталкиваться с оплатой аренды и оплачивать коммунальные услуги дополнительно. Воздух в городе загажен выхлопними газами автомобилей и отходами промышлених объектов. В городах больше людей, а значит весной, и осенью вы будете болеть чаще респираторными заболеваниями.
Students .learn.. English poems by heart.
My little sister likes to ..ask. silly questions.
Jim can .count.. from 1 to 10.
They flew a ..kite. last sunday.
There are textbooks and seven workbooks in my ..bag. .
"Will you . the window,please,"said the teacher.
I like to .answer.. teacher`s questions in the English lesson.
My friend will ..learn. this tex tomorrow.He isn`t ready today.
Students like to .discuss.. different problems in the lesson.