It was started 1 by the Canadian Guy Liliberte in 1984. When he left college, Liliberte travelled around Europe and earned money 2 playing music in the streets. Not long after he returned home, he started Cirque with 3 his friend, Daniel Gauthier. During the 1990s, Cirque grew quickly. It now does shows 4 all over the world and the number of people working for it has grown from 73 to 5 more than 3.500. The Cirque does not have any animals, but 6 there is music and dance and each show tells a story. 7 One show, which is called Varian, is about a man who could fly. The show starts with him falling from the sky and tells the story of how he 7 had to learn to fly again.
The Amur (Ussuri) tiger, a rare subspecies of the cat, which has been preserved on the territory of our country. It is known that on the coastal ridge of the Sikhote-Alin is still left in the least number of the population of these wild cats. Amur tigers in length can reach two meters. The tail is too long – up to one meter.
Амурский (уссурийский) тигр — редкий подвид кошачьих, который сохранился на территории нашей страны. Известно, что на береговом хребте Сихотэ-Алиня еще осталась в наименьшем количестве популяция этих диких кошек. Амурские тигры в длину могут достигать два метра. Хвост у них тоже длинный – до одного метра.
The Cirque does not have any animals, but 6 there is music and dance and each show tells a story. 7 One show, which is called Varian, is about a man who could fly. The show starts with him falling from the sky and tells the story of how he 7 had to learn to fly again.