2. Didn't miss
3. Did you like, I did
4. Did you watch
5. answered
6. didn't
7. Если вопросительная форма, то Did your friends, если утвердительное, то Your ...
8. didn't cook, cooked
9. How many questions did they ask?
10. love
Past simple.
Утвердительное предложение образуется постановкой глагола во второй форме, либо если глагол правильный, то добавлением к глаголу окончания -ed.
Отрицательная форма строится Didn't + глагол в первой форме.
Вопросительная форма строится Did + глагол в первой форме.
Write what you had done yesterday:
a) by the time your parent(s) came back home
b) by the time supper was ready
c) by 6 p.m.
d) by the time you came back from school
e) by bedtime
a) I had done my homework by the time my parents came back home.
b) I had checked my mail by the time supper was ready.
c) I had finished reading another book by 6 pm.
d) I had cleaned up the room by the time you came back from school.
e) I'd finished playing computer games by bedtime.
( = listening to music by...; = watching TV by...)
Объяснение: had + V3+ by - к какому-то времени; до какого-либо времени что-то было уже сделано.
2. Luke didn't miss the quiz show
yesterday. He loves that show.
3. Did you like the cartoon?'
"Yes, I did".
4. What did you watch last night?
5. Sophie answered all the questions.
6. Seb didn't open the window.
7. Your friends like the film.
8. My friend's team didn't cook fish. They cooked pasta.
9. How many questions did they ask?
10. The documentary was amazing! We love it.