1)The Declaration of Independence (USA) was adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 during the War for Independence in North America.
2)Columbus's discovery of America and its conquest by European powers paved the way for the spread of Western civilization in the New World. The widespread British colonial system in the seventeenth century played an important role in the fate of North America: the emergence of colonial colonies.
3)North America was the first English colony on the Atlantic coast in the early seventeenth century. Then (XVII-XVIII centuries), from this coast to North America emerged a long 12-colony statehood.
4)How would you feel if you worked hard day and night and lost your temper? In today's market economy, it is important not only to value your work, but also to consider safety.
Объяснение:The beauty. Such a familiar word to all. You can talk about it for a long time. But what, is it? What does it mean to be beautiful? This is something different for each person. Those qualities that are valued in a person and for which his love is beauty. If they love me, then I am beautiful. In the modern world, a lot of attention is paid to outward beauty. If you are elegantly and expensively dressed, you have trendy clothes, hair on your head and a lot of makeup on your face, then you are beautiful. And for some reason, no one is at all interested in what kind of person you are. Nobody asks about your hobbies, your opinion in some situation, what you like in life. In modern times, the impression is that if you do not have expensive things and you are dressed somehow not like everyone else, but a little more modest, then there is no need to talk to you. My concept of beauty is completely different. Perhaps I have not yet fully grown, but what I already see scares me. People cease to appreciate human qualities. Simple politeness or intelligence is something so distant and unknown. And the saddest thing is that even if there are real gentlemen, they simply laugh at them, who is not suitable for them. For some reason, such a "cattle", excuse the expression, is much farther and they suppress all human actions. For me, a person is beautiful if he is polite. If he has a kind soul. He does not lie and does not try to outwit someone in every possible way. Maybe an epo man is poor, but with rich human qualities he is much more beautiful and richer than dressed-up majors. I have many friends and for me they are all beautiful and kind and I also try to be such a friend. It seems to me that by the way people treat me, I am also a beautiful person. And no matter how hard it is in life, I am a polite person, even if it will cause ridicule in someone.
Плюсы компьютера:
при возможности подключения к интернету компьютер становится незаменимым источником информации: энциклопедии, словари, справочники доступны для пользователя в любое время суток;
также при возможности подключения к интернету компьютер представляет собой средство связи для людей, живущих в разных странах; это возможно путем регистрации электронного почтового ящика, регистрации в социальных сетях, в скайпе и т. д.;
объем памяти компьютера позволяет загружать различные программы, используемые в офисах, на предприятиях и на производстве;
компьютер представляет собой универсальное средство развлечения: игры на дисках, игры онлайн, аудио- проигрыватели и видео- проигрыватели.
Минусы компьютера:
негативное влияние на психику ребенка через свободный доступ к запрещенным сайтам и программам, вследствие чего ребенок может стать зависимым от компьютера и агрессивным;
каждому из пользователей компьютером необходимо обучение, что не всем под силу, однако, учитывая тот фактор, что программы становятся все более усовершенствованными, эта проблема скоро перестанет иметь значение;
дополнительные затраты на электроэнергию, содержание и ремонт, который зачастую обходится очень дорого.