He did it again and again every time I found someone to care about..
Он делал это снова и снова каждый раз, когда я находила кого-то, о ком могу заботиться.
On and on until we win... or the chances are spent.
И так далее, пока мы не победим, или пока шансов не останется.
He went round and round on the Circle line, didn't know where to get off, had to be rescued.
Он ездил по кругу на кольцевой линии, не зная, где ему выйти, как оттуда.
We have already tried, Addison, again and again.
Мы уже пытались, Эддисон, раз за разом.
On and on and on they went, again and again.
Они подходили еще и еще, снова и снова.
Frank doesn’t like a dog
My parents don’t do the shopping
Uncle George doesn’t go to the doctors
Our friend doesn’t play football in the park
She doesn’t go to the park
He doesn’t ride his bike every day
He doesn’t have the best ideas
doesn’t say goodbye
She isn’t the best singer in our class
My sister doesn’t live in big house
The children don’t eat humbuggers
Bill hasn’t got two notebooks
I’m not at home