1. This city is not clean enough.
2. This part of the city is not safe at night.
3. This is a nice town to live in.
4. My apartment is not very expensive.
5. It’s too warm here in the summer.
VII. Complete this paragraph using suitable words and phrases from the box.
More than one answer is possible.
A lot of, a little, not much, hardly any, enough, plenty of,
lots of, many, much, plenty, few
Greece is a great place to visit, and there are 1) tourist attractions there.
However, there are not 2) hotel rooms available in the summer, so
reservations are important. The weather is usually pleasant, and there is not 3 )
rain in the summer, although there is 4) in the winter. There is 5) snow
in winter, except in the north, which is mountainous and often gets snow. If you
like swimming, there are 6) beautiful beaches. Greece is a safe place to visit
because there is 7) crime. Outside Athens, the capital, there is not much
pollution because there is 8) industry in other parts of the country.
Transportation is good, and there are 9) taxes and buses. There are also 10 )
large ferries that go to the islands.
VIII. Translate into Russian.
1.Комната не достаточно большая, но довольно светлая.
2.Эта будка слишком мала для такой большой собаки.
3. Погода сегодня намного теплее, чем вчера.
4.Чем больше мы читаем, тем больше узнаём.
5.Я не думаю, что она самая красивая в нашей группе.
I. Choose the best variant.
1. If the weather tomorrow, it’ll be fine
a) change
b) changed
c) will change
2. If I her better I should turn to her help.
a) know
b) knew
c) will know
3. If she him she would be happy.
a) marries
b) married
c) will marry
I have liked cooking since childhood. Approximately when I was 7 years old I already could cook eggs, olivier salad and make sandwiches. Right now sometimes I spend more time in the kitchen than my mother.I like being our family chef. I believe that the secret of good food is the precise following the recipe and technology. If you have necessary education you can work in almost any organization such as schools, kindergartens, public companies, cafes or restaurants. I would not like to be an ordinary chef that cooks one and the same thing every day.Получив соответствующее образование, можно работать практически в любом учреждении, будь то школа, детский сад, общественная организация, кафе или ресторан. Но я бы не хотела быть рядовым поваром и изо дня в день готовить одну и ту же еду.My dream is to become a chef at a very prestigious restaurant and then open my own. It would give me an opportunity to cook unique dishes and bring joy to my clients.I think everything is possible in this world you just have to put some effort into it.