a) Tom and Bob's (окончание -'s присоединяется к последнему слову из ряда «владельцев»)
b) Paul's (окончание -’s добавляется к собственным именам)
c) father's name (окончание -’s добавляется к существительным в единственном числе)
d) children's books (окончание -'s добавляется к существительным, если слово во множественном числе не заканчивается на ‘s’, ‘es’)
e) the leg of the table (чтобы выразить значение принадлежности у неодушевленных существительных используется конструкция предлог of + существительное)
f) Helen's ball (окончание -’s добавляется к собственным именам)
Is this Paul - Это Пол?
Is this Paul's - Это вещь Пола?
1) In his efforts to move by means of other than his own feet, man has sat on the backs of mules, camels, horses and elephants, and has been pulled by them in wagons, carriages and sleds.
2) Of all the devices which man has invented to carry him from here to there, swiftly and effortlessly, none has had quite as such impact on his life as the automobile.
3) One of the earliest self-propelled cars was built by a clock-maker in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1649.
4) Although these early steam engines operated from a fixed position, they generated power.
Нужно просто найти продолжение в тексте.
1. I slept for free hours.
2. We played football.
3. I went to Paris last month.
4. I asked a teacher.
5. I went to the park yesterday evening.
6. I had breakfast an hour ago
7. I did my homework.
8. He didn't help me.
9. I didn't play volleyball yesterday.
10. Oliver and I didn't know that.
11. I didn't believe her.
12. I wasn't in a bad mood.
13. I didn't do it.
14. Was he at school?
15. Did you see him yesterday?
16. Did they come to the party?
17. Were your parents with you?
18. Did you go to the doctor?
19. Was she ill?
20. Do you think I didn't do my homework?ы
21. You don't believe me?