нужно дописать !
the seven wonders of the world are..
they were finst described they are seven because..
they are called "wonders" (of their boauty, enormous size, their means of construction are a complete mistery etc).
to my mind the most fantastic wonder is..
it was built in. (time, place) in honour of..
it has survived /hasn't survived to the present day.
it was destroyed in.. , narthquake, the man named..ete). its notable characteristics are. .
we need to know about the seven wonders of the world because they. (are purt of our heritage and culture, symbolize. etc).
2. The Germanic invaders (показатель множественного числа имени существительного) tried to burn and to destroy London. Немецкие оккупанты пытались сжечь и разрушить Лондон.
3. The East End covers (показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite;) a wide area to the east of the City and is quite
different from the other parts (показатель множественного числа имени существительного) of London. Ист-Энд занимает большой район к востоку от города и очень отличается от других частей Лондона.