Robin Hood
It is generally believed that Robin Hood was a man who fought for better life of poor people. How old story about Robin Hood is nobody knows. The oldest ballads about him were written down after 1400. One of the ballads that comes from those distant times says that Robin Hood was a Yorkshireman. The balled says: "For he was a good outlaw And Did poor much much good." Did such Robin ever live? His name is first mentioned in Government documents of 13th century. So one can be sure that Robin Hood did live and was something like a man described in these early ballads. Нe became such a роpular hero that in many places there was The special Robin Hоod's day, attended by thousands of реople. In 16th сentury writer Anthony Munday decided to make a nobleman out оf Robin. Perhaрs they thought that it was too dangerous for оrdinary pеоple to think that оrdinary men could be heroеs who tried to do "роor men much good."
Высоцкий Владимир Семёнович, (1938-1980) русский поэт и актер
Родился 25 января 1938 г. в Москве в семье военного связиста.
В 1947—1949 гг. жил с отцом и его второй женой в городе Эберсвальде-Финов (Германия), затем вернулся в Москву.
Во время учёбы в школе Высоцкий занимался в драмкружке и хотел поступать в театральный институт, но по настоянию родителей сдал экзамены в Московский строительный институт имени В. В. Куйбышева, откуда вскоре ушёл. Летом 1956 г. поступил в Школу-студию имени В. И. Немировича-Данченко при МХАТе.
По окончании студии (1960 г.) работал в Московском драматическом театре имени А. С. Пушкина и в Московском театре миниатюр. Тогда же начал сниматься в кино.
В 1964 г. был принят в Московский театр драмы и комедии на Таганке, где проработал до конца жизни. Артист сыграл на сцене Таганки более 20 ролей, из которых наиболее известна роль Гамлета из одноимённой трагедии Шекспира.
В 1960—1961 гг. появились первые песни Высоцкого. За свою жизнь он создал их около тысячи. Официально не признанные, минуя радио,телевидение, печать, благодаря магнитофонным лентам песни Высоцкого становились известны всем.
Много песен и предназначалось для кинофильмов. В 1966 г. Высоцкий снялся в картине «Вертикаль» и написал для неё пять песен. Всего он сыграл в 30 художественных фильмах. Последние годы жизни Высоцкого были драматичны. При всенародной популярности он не мог добиться публикации своих стихов, выхода пластинок; тяжело переживал травлю, развязанную в прессе. От перенапряжения болел, в 1979 г. перенёс клиническую смерть.
Умер 25 июля 1980 г. в Москве, похоронен на Ваганьковском кладбище. Только после смерти был издан первый сборник его стихов «Нерв» (1981 г.).
В 1987 г. за роль капитана МУРа Глеба Жеглова в пятисерийной телевизионной ленте режиссёра С. С. Говорухина «Место встречи изменить нельзя» ему была посмертно присуждена Государственная премия СССР.
Vysotsky, Vladimir Semenovich (1938-1980) Russian poet and actor
He was born January 25, 1938 in Moscow into a family of military communications.
In 1947-1949, he lived with his father and his second wife in the city of Eberswalde-Finow (Germany), then returned to Moscow.
While in school, Wysocki worked in the drama club and wanted to enter the theater Institute, but at the insistence of parents passed the exam at the Moscow engineering Institute named after VV Kuibyshev, where soon gone. In the summer of 1956, he entered the School-Studio name V. I. Nemirovicha-Danchenko Moscow art Theater.
At the end of the Studio (1960) worked in the Moscow drama theatre named after A. S. Pushkin in the Moscow theater of miniatures. Then he began to act in films.
In 1964 it was adopted in the Moscow theater of drama and Comedy on the Taganka, where he worked until the end of life. The actor played on the stage of the Taganka more than 20 roles, of which the most famous part of hamlet from the Shakespearean tragedy.
In 1960-1961, he appeared first to Vysotsky's songs. During his life he made around a thousand of them. Not officially recognized, bypassing radio,television, print, thanks to tape tapes Vysotsky's songs became known to all.
Many songs and ballads were intended for movies. In 1966 Vysotsky starred in the film "Vertical" and wrote her five songs. He played in 30 movies. Last years Vysotsky was dramatic. With the nationwide popularity, he could not obtain publication of his poems, exit records; grieved at the persecution unleashed in the press. Surge was ill, in 1979, suffered clinical death.
Died 25 Jul 1980 in Moscow and was buried at the cemetery Vagankovsky. Only after his death was published the first collection of his poems "Nerve" (1981).
In 1987 for the role of captain Mura Gleb Zheglov in TV series the strip of film Director S. Govorukhin "meeting Place can not be changed", he was posthumously awarded the State prize of the USSR.