Tina: I'm so glad you emailed. It’s been so long since I saw you!
Martin: I know. Well, I have been in Poland for almost two years. I teach English there.
Tina: So are you enjoying it?
Martin: It’ been great, especially since I met this woman called . We’ve known each other for about six months now . She works in the same school as me.
Tina: Oh! That's great.. so , when are you both coming to the UK?
Тина: Я так рада, что ты написал по электронной почте. Я долгое время не видела тебя!
Мартин: Я знаю. Ну, я был в Польше почти два года. Я преподаю там английский язык.
Тина: Так тебе это нравится?
Мартин: Это здорово, особенно с тех пор как я встретил эту женщину по имени Дорота. Мы знаем друг друга уже около полугода. Она работает в той же школе, что и я.
Тина: О! Это здорово ... так когда же вы оба приедете в Великобританию?
1) I played the piano yesterday.
I didn't play the piano yesterday.
2) Alex worked in the garden last week.
Alex didn't work in the garden last week.
3) They danced at school three days ago.
They didn't dance at school three days ago.
4) We cooked a cake yesterday.
We didn't cook a cake yesterday.
5) My sister visited me the day before yesterday.
My sister didn't visit me the day before yesterday.
6) Mike played soccer at school.
Mike didn't play soccer at school.
7) The children helped their mother.
The children didn't help their mother.