You`ve got to wear a dress!
I don`t have to!
It`s our family reunion and i don`t want you to look like too wild!
Fine, then I`ll just stay at home!
You`re going and that`s final! I insist that you go to the party with me!
I don`t even have a dress to wear.
Yes, you do. What about the black velvet one your grandmother gave you for your birthday?
It`s too square, too conservative.Everyone will laugh.
Everyone will think you look lovely.
Oh, great ...lovely! Just how I want to look!
It`s almost time to leave. I think you`d better get ready.
Вот так,я это уже писала в другому аккаунту.
Edward says: Mum and dad think I'm a little boy and its really annoying. I mean, I'm nearly sixteen and they won't let me have an earring or a tattoo. We argue a lot about my clothes. The other BIG problem is homework. They make me do it every day and won't allow me to go out until it's finished. I didn't do well in math last year so they make me take extra classes after school.
Parents says:
Edward is becoming very independent but he's only fifteen so we needs our support and advice. He wants an earring but we think he's too young to make that choice. We'll make him wait until he's eighteen and we'll make him pay for it from his own money! When he makes an effort, Edward does well at school.
The dress should be given to the moon. (платье должно быть отдано луне.)
можно ещё так : The dress is given to the moon. (платье отдано луне.)
зависит от контекста.