orgullosa de ofrecer un gesto de felicidad a tantos compatr
Daniel: ¿Tienes proyectos a largo plazo?
Mireia: Como deportista, lo más inmediato es el Mundial de Barcelona, para el que animo a todos a que estén presentes y apoyen al equipo español. Seguro que será un espectáculo deportivo de primer orden. A medio plazo, las Olimpíadas de Brasil. En lo personal, acabar mis estudios e intentar crear mi propia pequeña empresa.
Daniel: ¿Qué consejo les darías a las jóvenes que quieran iniciarse en esta profesión como tú?
Mireia: No soy nadie para dar consejos. No obstante, diría a modo de sugerencia, que se diviertan y disfruten del deporte que practican. Y que si llega un día en el que ya no las apasiona lo que hacen, que lo dejen inmediatamente.
Each of four seasons has its own charm and beauty. Spring revives nature, summer breathes with numerous scents and autumn brings grace and nostalgia. Severe winter hardens us in its specific manner. Common weather of seasons determines their mood. Thoughtful watching of changing of showers, snows, bright and dull days makes fill gratitude to the nature.
At spring nature wakes from long winter sleep. Weather becomes warmer from day to day, plants are blooming and all living creatures show their voices. Appearing of snowdrops claims complete authority of spring. Warm sun and short rains closer summer days and first May thunderstorm claims begging of completely warm days.
Summer turns everything around in a bright green. Meadows are cowered with green, upper branches of trees are even greener. Millions of scents are floating in the air and everything lives and breathes. But summer night is most special time when one can admire starry skies.
Heat of middle summer diluted with short but intense showers bring beautiful rainbows. But blessed summer days eventually come to their end signed by first yellow leaves.
Autumn is filled with graceful falling of leaves, frequent rains and heavy clouds. It seems to be dull and sad yet nature becomes delightfully beautiful in autumn. Numerous shades of orange, red and brown in whirling and rustling leaves are indescribable. And when all leaves had fall to the ground naked trees are marking coming of winter.
Winter is the white queen which covers everything with cold, soft and fluffy blanket of snow. Nature sleeps restoring strength before new coil of year cycle. Days are dark and short and nights are long and cold. Yet sleeping nature is beautiful in its own way. Moon sparkles on snow, all sounds are muted and majesty of winter remains until first warming.