Fill in the squares with english letters. the words are
read clockwise.
1. a large town. 2. to put to death. 3. not early. 4.
after that. 5. a piece of material worn round the waist.' 6.
the hour by the clock; a period. 7. to receive something.
8. a sweet food. 9. to come together. 10. a place where a
bird lays its eggs. 11. a colour. 12. to allow somebody to
use something for a time. 13. to hold. 14. the part of the
body between the head and the shoulders. 15. a sign put
on something. 16. after others. 17. to go round. 18. much
loved by someone; very costly to buy. 19. not faraway. 20.
the side of a river. 21. large pieces of stone. 22. an
opening. 23. to cause something or somebody to go. 24.
the day, month and year when something takes place. 25.
a young woman. 26. any round thing. 27. the front part
of the head. 28. at this place. 29. most good. 30. a part of
a book just as it was written. 31. not bad. 32. not hot. 33.
what we eat and drink. 34. what one enters a house or
room through. 35. an animal which can fly and lays eggs.
36. a preposition. 15
Thank you for your recent letter. It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am very glad that you had a good vacation.
As for me, I also spent a wonderful vacation. First, I lived with my parents in the garden. The weather was hot and I swam a lot with my friends. We played soccer and rode bicycles.
And in August we went to Cyprus with my parents. It is a large island in the Mediterranean with a wonderful climate. We swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. We traveled along the mountain paths and played tennis. Anyway, it was a memorable summer.
How did your academic year begin? Are there newcomers in your class? Any new subjects?
I’m sorry, I have to go to the sports section.
All the best!
Дорогой Майкл,
за твое последнее письмо. Так замечательно получить известие от тебя! Я очень рад, что у тебя были хорошие каникулы.
Что касается меня, то я тоже провел замечательные каникулы. Сначала я жил с родителями в саду. Стояла жаркая погода и я с друзьями много купался. Мы играли в футбол и катались на велосипедах.
А в августе мы с родителями поехали отдыхать на Кипр. Это большой остров в Средиземном море с замечательным климатом. Мы купались в море и лежали в тени огромных эвкалиптов. Мы путешествовали по горным тропам и играли в большой теннис. Во всяком случае, это было запоминающееся лето.
Как ты начал учебу? Есть ли новенькие в классе? А новые учебные предметы?
Извини, мне пора идти в спортивную секцию.
Всего наилучшего!