1. Budapest has got two different parts. What city has got two different parts? How many different parts has got Budapest? What parts has got Budapest? What Budapest has got?
2. There are good spa baths in the city. What there are in the city? Where are good spa baths? What spa baths in the city there are? What kind of spa there are in the city?
3. The public transport system is cheap in Budapest. Were is the public transport system cheap? What is cheap in Budapest? What transport system is cheap in Budapest? What the public transport system in Budapest is?
4. You can travel easily by tram and bus. What you can do easily by tram and bus? How you can travel by tram and bus? By what you can travel easily? Who can travel easily by tram and bus?
Летом года родители моего друга взял меня в ... Севера с ними. Его отец ...ученый, и он должен был сделать некоторую работу там. ... Место находится на ... острове очень далекоиз Москвы. Они должны были пойти на ... плоскости. Я летал в ... плоскостях много разуже, но мой друг никогда не летал, и он был ... немного боялся. Он не пытался, чтобы показать его, но, когда они сели в ... плоскости он закрыл глаза. Его отецсмеялись над ним и сказал ему, чтобы выглянуть из ... окно. "Посмотрите на все Интересные вещи под вас ", сказал он. "Посмотрите, как ярко светит солнце ... и какмаленький ... дороги и мосты и деревья выглядят отсюда. ... Шум ... плоскости неслишком плохо, мы даже можем говорить друг с ... другой.
What city has got two different parts?
How many different parts has got Budapest?
What parts has got Budapest?
What Budapest has got?
2. There are good spa baths in the city.
What there are in the city?
Where are good spa baths?
What spa baths in the city there are?
What kind of spa there are in the city?
3. The public transport system is cheap in Budapest.
Were is the public transport system cheap?
What is cheap in Budapest?
What transport system is cheap in Budapest?
What the public transport system in Budapest is?
4. You can travel easily by tram and bus.
What you can do easily by tram and bus?
How you can travel by tram and bus?
By what you can travel easily?
Who can travel easily by tram and bus?