Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00Just try to do it I'll come to you at 3.00
Bayan is a Russian chromatic hand harmonica with 3-5 rows of round buttons on the melody keyboard and 5-6 rows of buttons on the accompaniment keyboard, the keys of which sound with bass and chords or individual notes
Bayan is a member of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments
The instrument is named after the old Russian storyteller Boyan
Balalaika - Russian folk three-stringed plucked musical instrument with a triangular-shaped body. Typical methods of sound production are rattling and tremolo - index finger strikes on all strings simultaneously.
The most famous Russian instrument, which, along with the accordion, has become one of the symbols of the musical creativity of the Russian people.
According to one version, which A. N. Chudinov adheres to, the word has Turkic roots. Another version speaks of the pro-Slavic origin of the name. The root of the words “balalaika”, or, as it was also called, “balabaika”, has long attracted the attention of researchers with its kinship with such Russian words as balak, balabonite, balabolit, balagurit, which means' talking about something insignificant, chatting, rattling, empty call, crap. ' All these concepts, complementing each other, convey the essence of the balalaika - an easy, funny, “frail” instrument, not very serious.
Hand harmonics are musical instruments that make up the core of the harmonica family. Distinctive design features of such tools is the presence of two half-shells with keyboards, between which there is a fur. Small harmonies in size and weight are kept in their hands while playing, harmonics are set more on the knees in a sitting position or suspended by the shoulder straps in a standing position. They play with two hands, moving the left or both half-bodies to unclench and compress the fur, which, when pressed simultaneously, causes air to flow into the harmonics and sound.