1. sweet - sweeter - the sweetest
2. pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant
3. cold- colder- the coldest
4. sunny - sunnier - the sunniest
5. low - lower - lowest
6. narrow - more narrow - the most narrow
7. strong - stronger- the strongest
8. hot- hotter- the hottest
9. big -bigger- the biggest
10. beautifu - more beautiful - the most beautiful
11. interesting - more intersesting - the most interesting
12. young - younger- youngest
13. clever - cleverer - the cleverest
14. boring - more boring - the most boring
15. famous - more famous- the most famous
16. terrible- more terrible - the most terrible
did most of them hate to go to school? who hated to go to school? didn't they? did most of them hate to go to school or college?where did most of them hate to go to? had she problems with writing at school? what had she at school?had she problems with writing or reading at school?hadn't she?whereshe had problems with writing. ?were her parents disappointed? whose parents were disappointed? were her parents disappointed or happy?were not they?how were her parents disappointed? had these important and creative people problems with reading and writing?had these important and creative people problems with reading or writing ?who had problems with reading and writing?hadn't they? what problems had these important and creative people?
1.В пустыне очень трудно выжить без еды и воды.
2.Машина соскользнула с мокрой дороги и врезалась в дерево.
3.Молния вспыхивает по небу и ударяется о дерево на вершине холма.
4.Он пристегивается на сиденье перед запуском двигателя
5.Он упал с балкона и ему повезло избежать серьезных травм.
6.Она изо всех сил старалась остаться в живых, пока команда не нашла её.
1.Колючка на кусте дала Джейн царапину на ноге.
2. У Джейка была большая шишка на голове после удара по столу.
3.У мужчины была сломана кость.
4.У солдата был большой порез на ноге, который заразился.
5.Мяч ударил меня и оставил большой черный синяк на моем плече.