Pronouns-Possessives - Demonstratives - Q
Frank and Kim are having a picnic by a lake.
Read the dialogue and underline the
correct item.
A: There's 1) nothing something I like more than hav-
ing a picnic here by Lake Tahoe.
B: Yes, it's 2) anything something I really enjoy, too.
It's great to go 3) anywhere somewhere where
there is no noisy traffic and 4) anything/nothing to
disturb us from our lunch. I can't think of 5) some.
where anywhere I'd rather be than here.
A L-know. There's 6) no one somebody else here, so
we can enjoy the peace and quiet.
B: Well, I'd like 7) any some more of that chicken. Is
there 8) no/any left?
A: Yes, there's plenty in this basket. But, there's 9) some
no mayonnaise, I'm afraid.
B: That's okay. Wait a minute. Did you hear 10) some-
A: Don't be silly. It was 11) anything/nothing.
B. No, look! A group of school children are coming for
a picnic, too!
A: Oh no! I can't think of 12) something anything
worse! Let's go home!
rul in the gaps with some, any, no or one
2 The thought of using his own car has never occurred to him. определение
3 Everyone liked the idea of buying a pet. предложное дополнение
4 Having harvested crops all the students left the farm. обстоятельство
5 This engineer is responsible for finishing on time. предложное дополнение
1 Целью вспашки является повышение плодородия почв.
2 Мысль об использовании своего собственного автомобиля никогда не приходила ему в голову.
3 Всем понравилась идея покупки домашнего животного.
4 Собрав урожай все студенты ушли с фермы.
5 Этот инженер несет ответственность за отделочные вовремя.