Scotland is one of four countries composing the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland. Scotland has a land border to the South with England, with a length of 95 km to the North-East of Scotland is Norway, located between the North sea, West and North coast of Scotland, washed by the Atlantic ocean, from the island of Ireland Scotland North is separated by a Strait of width at the narrowest point of about 30 km. the Territory of Scotland is 30 090 square miles (77 square km. 933). In addition to the main mainland, the territory of Scotland consists of over 790 Islands.
. The office is empty now. Everybody HAS GONE home.
2. I meant to call you last night,but I FORGOT.
3. Mary WENT to Egypt for a holiday but she's back home in england now.
4. Yes, I HAD a headache but i feel fine now.
5. Can you help us? Our car HAS BROKEN down.
6. I did German at school but I HAVE FORGOTTEN most of it now.
7. The police ARRESTED three pople,but later they let them go.
8. What do you of my English? Do you think it HAS IMPROVED?
9. I APPLIED for a job as a tourist guide,but i wasn't successful.
10. Where is my bike? It WAS outside the house,but it's not there now.
11. Look! There's an ambulance over there,There HAS BEEN an aCciDent.
12. Have you heard about Ben? He HAS BROKEN his arm. RealLy? How DID that HAPPEN? - He FELL off a ladder.