в отрицательную
1. Jane was not walking home when it started to rain. 2. Mr. Drill was not driving to the airport when his car broke down. 3. I was not waiting for you at 5 p.m. 4. It was not growing dark, so we decided to return. 5. While Jack was sitting biting his nails, we were not working out a plan to cover up our traces. 6. She did not look out of the window and did not see that the children were not returning from the school. 7. When we met for the first time, he was not selling newspapers on the street. 8. The train was not speeding past hills full of cows and sheep. 9. He didn’t see me as he was reading when I came into the room. 10. When I woke up this morning, the sun was not shining high in the sky.
в вопросительную
1. Was Jane walking home when it started to rain?
2. Was Mr. Drill driving to the airport when his car broke down?
3. Was I waiting for you at 5 p.m.?
4. Was it growing dark, so we decided to return?
5. While Jack was sitting biting his nails, were we working out a plan to cover up our traces?
6. Did she look out of the window and see that the children were returning from the school?
7. When we met for the first time, was he selling newspapers on the street?
8. Was the train speeding past hills full of cows and sheep?
9. Did he see me as he was reading when I came into the room?
10. When I woke up this morning, was the sun shining high in the sky?
Such mite is led in the wild of the home country, all in thorns. It is a hedgehog. When I see a hedgehog, I always am surprised to him. In fact needles on him, most real natural needles! I somehow got used, that needles - they are steel, for sewing. And here - ежиные! Needles need a hedgehog for a defensive. In fact foxes and badgers hunt on a hedgehog. At a danger a hedgehog convolves in a ball, and yet sharply jumps up and hisses. So he can frighten a beast покрупнее itself. A hedgehog is little predatory зверушка. He catches mise, frogs, lizards, and even rats. The sharp snout of hedgehog sniffs up fungi and berries in a thick grass. A little hedgehog is able to clamber upwards on walls, and even to the water-shoots. Therefore fences and fences in his little trips at all him! Ежи even able to float!
Tornadoes or tornadoes are air columns that rotate frantically. They form inside a storm, and extend from the cloud to the ground in the form of a funnel. Tornadoes pass through the earth, posing a huge threat to life and property. This is why this phenomenon is being explored so much. But, in fact, we still don't know much about the formation of tornadoes. The conditions that caused one tornado will not necessarily cause the other.
Торнадо або смерчі - це повітряні колони, які несамовито обертаються.
Вони утворюються всередині бурі, і простягаються від хмари до землі у вигляді воронки.
Смерчі проходять по землі, створюючи величезну загрозу для життя і майна.
Ось чому цей феномен так багато досліджують.
Але, насправді, ми ще багато чого не знаємо про формування смерчів.
Умови, що спричинили одне торнадо, не обов'язково стануть причиною інших.