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21.08.2020 23:22 •  Английский язык

очень надо!
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Decide which part of speech to use and whether you need a positive or negative word. Use your dictionary if necessary. British Food
1. British food has been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. TRADITION
2. A traditional English breakfast consists of bacon, fried eggs, tomatoes, sausages, fried bread, which is done on the cooker in oil, mushrooms and hash browns sometimes – a of potatoes and onions, crushed together and then deep-fried.
3. These days most people do not eat the full English breakfast, preferring a and meal cereals and toast, at any rate during the week.
4. Bread-and-butter pudding may be poured with cream or custard – sweet sauce, made from eggs, sugar and milk, flavored with vanilla, but nowadays often made from a powder or ready-made from a tin.
5. The crowning glory of English cuisine is roast beef. Despite the current trends towards , meat is still considered to be central to the English diet.
6. The story of how sandwiches first came to be is widely known and has an place in all books.
7. According to the legend, the Earl of Sandwich was a gambler and would often spend not only days but also nights at the gaming table. PASSION
8. British cuisine has always been : in ancient times it was influenced by the Romans and in medieval times by the French. CULTURE
9. Before the arrival of cane sugars, honey and fruit juices were the only .
10. Nowadays there has been a shift in eating habits in Britain. Rice and pasta have accounted for decrease in potato . SIGN/CONSUME

Exercise 1
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Decide which part of speech to use and whether you need a positive or negative word. Use your dictionary if necessary.
1. She felt that inquiring into her father’s past would be to her mother. LOYAL
2. To combat vehicle rust, many manufacturers use a of rust-proofing techniques to keep rust at bay. VARY
3. mushrooms can be easily identified. POISON
4. Our bodies are on vitamin rich foods for minerals and vitamins. DEPEND
5. The two union leaders have had a serious which has split them. AGREE
6. Our company will be committing economic hara-kiri if it agrees to such a . PROPOSE
7. Most people think that they are and . WORK/PAY
8. He is very to his colleagues; they are very lucky. SUPPORT
9. I know I am not perfect, but I have never been with you. HONEST
10. Our stayed firm because we always understood each other. RELATION
11. However, the majority of divorced people marry again, and they sometimes take for a second family. RESPONSE
12. Subways in America are . They are dirty and uncomfortable. USE
13. I knew that the house I had accepted would probably be falling to pieces, but I thought that I was prepared to put up with any for the sake of the possibility of a little dignity. COMFORT
14. According to the research by the National Arthritis Council the feeling of being can damage people’s health. VALUE

1. British food has been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and fish and is generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. It is a traditional aspect of British cuisine (noun) to serve these types of food.
2. A traditional English breakfast consists of bacon, fried eggs, tomatoes, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, and hash browns. Hash browns are made by crushing potatoes and onions together and then deep-frying them. Mixing (noun) various ingredients together is a traditional method of cooking this breakfast dish.
3. These days, most people do not eat the full English breakfast, preferring a quick or light meal of cereals and toast, especially during the week. Quick (adjective) or light (adjective) meals are preferred by many people as they are easier and faster to prepare.
4. Bread-and-butter pudding, a traditional dessert, can be poured with cream or custard. Custard is a sweet sauce made from eggs, sugar, and milk, flavored with vanilla. Nowadays, it is often made from a powder or ready-made from a tin. Traditional (adjective) British desserts often include custard as a common ingredient.
5. The crowning glory of English cuisine is roast beef. Despite current trends towards vegetarianism, meat is still considered to be central to the English diet. Vegetarian (noun) diets, excluding meat and fish, are becoming more popular nowadays.
6. The story of how sandwiches first came to be is widely known and has an honored (adjective) place in all books. The invention of sandwiches is celebrated and recognized as an important part of culinary history.
7. According to the legend, the Earl of Sandwich was a gambler and would often spend not only days but also nights at the gaming table. His passion for gambling (noun) was well-known.
8. British cuisine has always been influenced by different cultures: in ancient times, it was influenced by the Romans and in medieval times by the French. The cultural (adjective) exchange and influence from other nations have shaped British cuisine throughout history.
9. Before the arrival of cane sugars, honey and fruit juices were the only sweet (adjective) options available for adding sweetness to food or drinks.
10. Nowadays, there has been a shift in eating habits in Britain. Rice and pasta have accounted for a decrease in potato consumption (noun). More people are opting for rice and pasta as staple carbohydrates instead of potatoes.

Exercise 1:
1. She felt that inquiring into her father's past would be disloyal (adjective) to her mother. Asking about someone's past without their permission can be seen as a betrayal of trust.
2. To combat vehicle rust, many manufacturers use a variety (noun) of rust-proofing techniques to keep rust from forming. Employing different methods helps prevent rust from occurring.
3. Poisonous (adjective) mushrooms can be easily identified. It is important to be able to recognize harmful mushroom species to avoid poisoning.
4. Our bodies depend (verb) on vitamin-rich foods for minerals and vitamins. Our health relies on consuming foods high in vitamins and minerals.
5. The two union leaders have had a serious disagreement (noun) which has split them. They have conflicting opinions or ideas that caused a divide between them.
6. Our company will be committing economic hara-kiri if it agrees to such a proposal (noun). Accepting such a plan would lead to severe financial consequences for our company.
7. Most people think that they are hardworking and deserve to be paid (verb) for their efforts. They believe they put in a lot of effort at work and should be compensated accordingly.
8. He is very supportive (adjective) to his colleagues, and they are very lucky to have him. He provides assistance, encouragement, and help to his colleagues, making him a valued team member.
9. I know I am not perfect, but I have never been dishonest (adjective) with you. I have always been truthful and sincere in our interactions.
10. Our relation (noun) stayed firm because we always understood each other. Our bond or connection with each other remained strong as we always had mutual understanding.
11. However, the majority of divorced people marry again, and they sometimes take responsibility (noun) for a second family. They undertake the duty and care for their new family.
12. Subways in America are used (adjective). They are considered to be dirty and uncomfortable means of transportation.
13. I knew that the house I had accepted would probably be falling to pieces, but I thought I was prepared to put up with any discomfort (noun) for the sake of the possibility of a little dignity. I was willing to endure any inconvenience or lack of comfort.
14. According to research by the National Arthritis Council, the feeling of being undervalued (adjective) can damage people's health. When individuals feel unappreciated or not recognized for their contributions, it can negatively affect their well-being.
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