I'd like to fly away, somewhere, with nobody around me. I'd like to fly over the rainbow to see how my hometown looks like. If I could fly, I'd fell like a bird, I'd be free.
2. don’t ride
3. Do your grandparents come frome England? ( в задании Present Simple)
4. live
5. doesn’t want
6. Does Jake help at the zoo?
7. watch
8. doesn’t live
9. don’t go
10. weigh
11. lives
12. don’t want
В Present simple в 3 л. ед.ч. (he,she, it) в утвердительных предложениях к инфинитиву глагола прибавляется окончание -s: he speaks, she works, it lives.
В вопросительных предложениях используется вс глагол to do , для всех лиц он будет: Do, кроме 3 л. ед.ч., здесь он будет : does., после does, к инфинитиву основного глагола -s уже не надо прибавлять, эту функцию взял на себя глагол to do:
Does he speak?, Does she work?, Does it live?
В отрицательных предложениях также используется вс глагол Do или Does + частица not + инфинитив глагола. They do not (don’t) speak, he does not (doesn’t) speak.
One of my favorite literary characters is not a strong man with huge muscles, but just a little boy, very lonely and therefore so touching. You probably guessed that this is the main character of the Little Prince fairy tale, which was written by the French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint Exupery. His hero, this unprotected child, lived alone on a small, tiny planet, the size of which was equal to a simple house. Every morning he was busy cleaning this very planet, weeding out the seeds of the baobab plants. He very diligently looked after the beautiful rose, which grew like a miracle from a seed. But the flower constantly offends the little prince with its barbs, he is capricious all the time. And one fine day, the boy decides to leave the rose and go on a trip to other planets. Wherever he had not visited, but everywhere he felt lonely, he was a stranger to everyone.
North Carolina is the place I would like to go in the world. I have been there before and would like to go again. We stayed at a house that had a pool and a hot tub. It also had a game room and two bunk beds. My favorite football team is the Carolina Panthers. In North Carolina, I like to go to the beach. I would want to get there in a private plane jet. The jet service would get me there fast. I would want a couch in it with a TV and a little table. That's where I would travel to, if I could go anywhere.