Составьте небольшой рассказ на английском языке о флоре и фауне в россии
- некоторые рас растения и где они произрастают -животных живущих в лесах полях и на воде - птиц включая певчих и водных -растения и животные которые стали символом россии
Russia has several (soil and vegetation) zones, each with its characteristic flora and fauna. Northernmost is the so-called arctic desert zone, which includes most of the islands of the Arctic Ocean. These areas are characterized by the almost complete absence of plant cover; only mosses and lichens are to be found. Birds and mammals associated with the sea (sea calf, seal, and walrus) are typical of this zone.
The tundra extends along the extreme northern part of Asia. Only dwarf birches, willows, lichens, and mosses grow in this soils. The fauna includes the arctic fox, reindeer, white hare, and lemming.
South of the tundra is the vast forest zone, or taiga, covering half of the country. There grow birches and spruce. Farther south are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, and some deciduous trees. Wildlife in the taiga includes moose, the Russian bear, reindeer, lynx, sable, squirrel, owl, and woodpecker and some other birds. In the broadleaf woods are European wild boar, deer, roe deer, red deer, mink, and marten.
Farther south is the forest-steppe zone and then the steppes with various grasses small tracts of oak, birch, and aspen. Typical mammals are various rodents (hamsters and jerboas); birds include skylarks, cranes, eagles, and the great bustard.
In the semi-desert zone, typical animals are the wildcat and saiga antelope; lizards, snakes, and tortoises.
Россия имеет несколько (почвенно-растительных) зон, каждая со своей характерной флорой и фауной. Самой северной является так называемая арктическая пустынная зона, включающая в себя большую часть островов Северного Ледовитого океана. Для этих районов характерно практически полное отсутствие растительного покрова, встречаются только мхи и лишайники. Для этой зоны характерны птицы и млекопитающие, связанные с морем (морской теленок, тюлень, морж).
Тундра простирается вдоль крайней северной части Азии. На этой почве растут только карликовые березы, ивы, лишайники и мхи. Животный мир включает песца, северного оленя, белого зайца и лемминга.
К югу от тундры находится обширная лесная зона, или тайга, покрывающая половину территории страны. Там растут березы и ели. Дальше на юг растут ель, сосна, пихта, кедр и некоторые лиственные деревья. Животный мир тайги включает лося, русского медведя, северного оленя, рысь, соболя, белку, сову, дятла и некоторых других птиц. В широколиственных лесах Европы встречаются кабан, олень, косуля, благородный олень, норка, куница.
Дальше на юг находится лесостепная зона, а затем степи с различными травами, небольшие участки дуба, березы и осины. Типичные млекопитающие - различные грызуны (хомяки и тушканчики), птицы-жаворонки, журавли, орлы, большая Дрофа.
В полупустынной зоне типичными животными являются дикие кошки и сайгаки, ящерицы, змеи и черепахи.
Ginny the main character of thestory is 16. She's tuning out tobe a brilliant artist like her mother, who died when she was a baby. In the extract you're going to read Ginny sees her mother's picture in the at galley. When Ginny was first becoming interested in art and the history of painting, Dad had given her a big book with hundreds of reproductions in it. She'd pored over it with more than delight - with a kind of greed, in fact. She absorbed everything the book told her about the Renaissance, and the Impressionists, and the Cubists, about Boticelli and Monet and Picasso, and she breathed it all in like oxygen she had not known she was missing. And among the pictures in the book, there were two that made her gasp. One was Whistler's Arrangement in Grey and Back, the portrait of his mother sitting on an upright chair, and the other was El Greco's View of Toledo. She remembered her reaction quite clearly: a sudden intake of breath, caused by sheer surprise at the arrangement of shapes and colours. It was a physical shock. And when she looked at the big painting that dominated the end wall, the same thing happened. It would have affected her the same way whoever had painted it, because it was a masterpiece. What it showed was a middle-aged black man, in a uniform with epaulettes and medals, in the act of falling on to the red-carpeted floor of a well furnished room. He'd been eating a meal, and on the table beside him there was a plate of yellow soup. Beyond him, through the open door and at the open window, stood a crowd of people, watching: white people at black, old and young rely dressed and poverty-stricken. Some of them carried objects that helped you understand who they were: a wad of dollar bills for a banker, a clutch of guns for an arms dealer, a chicken for a peasant; and the expressions on their faces told Ginny that they'd all in some ways been victims or accomplices of the man who was dying. And all that was important, but just as important was the strange discord of the particular red of the carpet and the particular yellow of the soup, so that you knew it was something significant, and you guessed the soup had been poisoned. And the way the dying man was isolated by the acid red from every other shape in the picture, so that it looked as if he were sinking out of sight in a pool of blood. And mainly what was important was the thing that was impossible to put into words: the arrangements of the shapes on the canvas. These same elements put together differently would have been an interesting picture, but put together like this, they made Ginny catch her breath. She began thinking of what her mother had wanted to say by the picture. Tell the soy of the corrupt office? Yes ... But not mainly. What she had probably wanted to do was just to see what happened when she put that red and that yellow together. That was what could start it. Some little technical thing like that. And the shape of the man as he falls ... Because there's no shadow you can not see easily where he is in relation to the floor. He seems to be floating in space, almost. But at the same time no one could say that the picture was not technically correct. It was amazing, brilliant! Ginny felt a lump in her throat.
Russia has several (soil and vegetation) zones, each with its characteristic flora and fauna. Northernmost is the so-called arctic desert zone, which includes most of the islands of the Arctic Ocean. These areas are characterized by the almost complete absence of plant cover; only mosses and lichens are to be found. Birds and mammals associated with the sea (sea calf, seal, and walrus) are typical of this zone.
The tundra extends along the extreme northern part of Asia. Only dwarf birches, willows, lichens, and mosses grow in this soils. The fauna includes the arctic fox, reindeer, white hare, and lemming.
South of the tundra is the vast forest zone, or taiga, covering half of the country. There grow birches and spruce. Farther south are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, and some deciduous trees. Wildlife in the taiga includes moose, the Russian bear, reindeer, lynx, sable, squirrel, owl, and woodpecker and some other birds. In the broadleaf woods are European wild boar, deer, roe deer, red deer, mink, and marten.
Farther south is the forest-steppe zone and then the steppes with various grasses small tracts of oak, birch, and aspen. Typical mammals are various rodents (hamsters and jerboas); birds include skylarks, cranes, eagles, and the great bustard.
In the semi-desert zone, typical animals are the wildcat and saiga antelope; lizards, snakes, and tortoises.
Россия имеет несколько (почвенно-растительных) зон, каждая со своей характерной флорой и фауной. Самой северной является так называемая арктическая пустынная зона, включающая в себя большую часть островов Северного Ледовитого океана. Для этих районов характерно практически полное отсутствие растительного покрова, встречаются только мхи и лишайники. Для этой зоны характерны птицы и млекопитающие, связанные с морем (морской теленок, тюлень, морж).
Тундра простирается вдоль крайней северной части Азии. На этой почве растут только карликовые березы, ивы, лишайники и мхи. Животный мир включает песца, северного оленя, белого зайца и лемминга.
К югу от тундры находится обширная лесная зона, или тайга, покрывающая половину территории страны. Там растут березы и ели. Дальше на юг растут ель, сосна, пихта, кедр и некоторые лиственные деревья. Животный мир тайги включает лося, русского медведя, северного оленя, рысь, соболя, белку, сову, дятла и некоторых других птиц. В широколиственных лесах Европы встречаются кабан, олень, косуля, благородный олень, норка, куница.
Дальше на юг находится лесостепная зона, а затем степи с различными травами, небольшие участки дуба, березы и осины. Типичные млекопитающие - различные грызуны (хомяки и тушканчики), птицы-жаворонки, журавли, орлы, большая Дрофа.
В полупустынной зоне типичными животными являются дикие кошки и сайгаки, ящерицы, змеи и черепахи.