1.The waiters will serve lunch in an hour,won't they?
2.My brother won't enter the university next year,will he?
1.Will the waiters serve lunch in an hour?
2.Will (won't) your brother enter the university next year?
1. Who will serve lunch in an hour?
2.Who won't enter the university next year?
1.Will the waiters serve lunch in an hour or in 2 hours?
2.Will your brother or your cousin enter the university next year?
1.When will the waiters serve lunch ?
2.When will (won't) your brother enter the university?
1.What will the waiters serve in an hour?
2.Where will (won't) your brother enter the university?
Чтобы стать отличником по всем предметам, надо пытаться найти в каждом предмете что- то интересное, что привлекает тебя.
Потом, если ты что-то не понимаешь не стесняйся спросить учителя об этом.
Попробуй создать лучшее впечатление о себе( тяни руку,отвечай)
Участие в школьной жизни (в разных мероприятиях, концертах, выступлениях),также может повлиять на оценки.
Если хотя бы за неделю ты подтянешь свои оценки ( значительно) то учитель будет видеть , что ты стараешься улучшиться и тебе подтянуть оценки.
Ну и просто хорошо учи уроки:)
Страница 1.
1. ...I go to school. 2. ...me at home. 3. ...is near the museum. 4. ...you get on well with your friends. 5. famous for his books. 6. at the age of six. 7. by heart. 8. join us after classes. 9. By the way...10. . 11. ...be late to school. 12. in March. 13. on Monday. 14. on July, 1. 15. .
Страница 2.
Задание 1.
2. They didn't drink water last night. They ate sandwhiches last night.
3. Jim didn't phone a friend yesterday evening. Jim drove yesterday evening.
4. George didn't clean his room last Sunday. George rode a bike last Sunday.
5. The children didn't watch a film at 10:00 o'clock last night. The children slept at 10:00 o'clock last night.
Задание 2.
1. Derek's father drove him to school.
2. Derek ate spaghetti and drank juice for lunch.
3. Later Derek went to the gym.
4. At the gym he swam in the pool.
5. Derek slept at nine o'clock.
Страница 3.
Задание 1.
1) more difficult
2) the most
3) better
4) most intresting
5) laziest
6) more comfortable
7) larger
8) less
9) The farthest/furthest
Задание 2.
1. player - игрок.
2. speaker - оратор/лектор
3. driver - водитель
4. writer - писатель
5. swimmer - пловец
6. jumper - прыгун
7. worker - работник
8. reader - читатель
9. sleeper - соня
10. singer - певец
12. teacher - учитель
13. runner - бегун