Жил-был на Руси герой, и звали его Добрыня Никитич.По происхождению Добрыня Никитич – княжеского рода, в былинах богатырь образован, тактичен, обходителен, умеет в послах ходить, мастерски играет на гуслях. Главное дело его жизни – воинские служение Руси.Добрыня Никитич рисуется в былинах вторым по силе и значению богатырем после Ильи Муромца. До пострига состоял в княжеской дружине и прославился воинскими подвигами и невиданной силой. Почивающие в Антониевых пещерах мощи преп. Илии показывают, что для своего времени он действительно обладал весьма внушительными размерами и был на голову выше человека среднего роста.
There was a hero in Russia, and his name was Nikitich.Origin Nikitich - princely family, in epics hero educated, tactful, courteous, knows how the ambassadors to go, masterfully plays the harp. Main business of his life - military service of Russia.Nikitich is drawn in epics the second greatest and most important hero after Ilya Muromets. Before taking his vows was the princely retinue, and was famous for military exploits and unseen force. Resting in the Anthony caves relics of ven. Elijah shows that for his time he really had a very impressive size and was a head taller than the human average height.
Alice Elliott was an undergraduate at Cambridge. She studied sociology Sociology was not only her subject but also her great passion. And yet the professors and tutors were not very pleased with Alice’s work. They were right to a certain extent when they said that Alice did not read a suffi- cient number of books. It was also true that she did not attend all her tutorials. It was a fact that she did not always write her essays. But Alice worked very hard. Her only fault was originality. She had her own original conception of sociological studies. She favoured practical research and she did much field work. She often went to parties. She went to many dan- ces. She met and talked to many interesting people. Alice wax sometimes very tired, but she never missed a single party. She drank much coffee to keep awake. She knew the real value of careful observation, and careful observation required concentration. It meant hard work. Alice did not object to hard work. She knew that her parents paid the university fees - she had no scholarship. She wanted to get an honour’s degree to please her parents. She knew that the traditionally-minded dons (преподаватели) were against her methods of sociological research but she was prepared to defend her point of view.
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