по важности
How the Camel got his Hump. Отчего у верблюда горб.
NOW this is the next tale, А вот следующая сказка,
and it tells how the Camel got his hump. рассказывающая каким образом у верблюда появился горб.
In the beginning of years, В начале,
when the world was so new and all, когда земля была ещё совсем молодой и всё на ней,
and the Animals were just beginning to work for Man, а животные только начинали служить человеку,
there was a Camel, был и верблюд,
and he lived in the middle of a Howling Desert живший в середине Унылой Пустыни,
because he did not want to work; и не хотевший трудиться;
and besides, he was a Howler himself. к тому же, он и сам был такой же унылый.
So he ate sticks and thorns В общем он ел ветки да шипы,
and tamarisks and milkweed and prickles, most "scruciating idle"; тамариск и траву да колючки - обыкновенный бездельник;
and when anybody spoke to him he said и когда ему что-то говорили, он отвечал
"Humph!" Just "Humph!" and no more. "Горм!", только "Горм!", и больше ничего.
Presently the Horse came to him on Monday morning, Вскоре, в понедельник утром, к нему пришёл Конь,
with a saddle on his back and a bit in his mouth, and said, с седлом на спине и с уздечкой в зубах, сказав
"Camel, O Camel, come out and trot like the rest of us." "Верблюд, о Верблюд, выходи и бегай рысью, как мы".
"Humph!" said the Camel; "Горм!" ответил Верблюд;
and the Horse went away and told the Man. и Конь ушёл, рассказав про него всё Человеку.
Presently the Dog came to him, А потом, к нему пришёл Пёс,
with a stick in his mouth, and said, с палкой в зубах, и сказал
"Camel, O Camel, come and fetch and carry like the rest of us."
Evan has to clean the .
5. Dad has to clean the .
6. Mother has to clean the
Mother: Children, Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this evening and I need you to help me with some chores. Have you all made your beds?
Children: Yes, Mom.
Mother: Tommy, I want you to fill the dishwasher and then wash and dry the big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher.
Tommy: Okay.
Mother: Tracy, I want you to take out the garbage. Then sweep and mop the kitchen floor, okay?
Tracy: Sure. I'm excited Grandma and Grandpa are coming.
Mother: And Evan, would you please clean the bathroom?
Evan: Oh Mom, I hate cleaning the toilet.
Mother: Okay, you clean the sink and bathtub, and I'll clean the toilet. But then I would like you to help your Dad clean out the garage. Do you agree?
Evan: Yeah.
Mother: Okay then, let's get started. I'm going out to mow the lawn. Come get me if you need me. no you process of prayer Virginia Brady mobile tech support. Archibald in the no you process of prayer Virginia Brady mobile tech support. Archibald in no you process of prayer Virginia Brady mobile tech support. Archibald in theno you process of prayer Virginia Brady mobile tech support. Archibald in no you process of prayer Virginia Brady mobile tech support. Archibald in the great. That you can never give youNo you process of prayer Virginia Brady mobile except for. Archibald in the great. That you can never give you
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