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28.03.2020 16:57 •  Английский язык

Match the words with their definitions.
Heritage 2) Convention 3) Site 4) Mankind
5) Landmark 6) To inscribe 7) To launch 8) To exist
a) a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved.
b) to be real; to be present in a place or a situation; to live.
c) to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something.
d) the history, traditions and quantities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered as an important part of its character.
e) to share an activity, especially an organized one.
f) an official agreement between countries or leaders.
g) all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race.
h) a place where a building, town , etc, was, is, or will be.

Complete the sentences with the words from the previous task.
According to the Celtic legend, the place was the burial of ancient kings.
The team’s name is on the base of the trophy.
One of the Belfast’s most famous , the Grosvenor hall, has been visited by my friends.
We discussed the articles from the European on human rights.
Opportunities for our school club to gain sponsorship for a school museum.
These beautiful old buildings are a part of our national .
The exhibition tells the visitors about the most important events in the history of .
In 2002, a scheme was to promote and encourage interest in conserving the area.

Complete the sentences with the gerund.
Is (to travel) your hobby?
I’ve always dreamt of (to visit) great Britain.
I enjoy (to read) books about wonders of the world.
I look forward to (to hear) from you.
I couldn’t help (to smile) when they were planning their trip.
You cannot visit a museum without (to buy) a ticket.
My friends don’t mind me (to join) them in a tour.
Mary can’t stand (to go) on long walks.
My parents earn their living by (to build) houses.
Jim has started (to work) hard at his English since (to enter) the university.

Write a postcard to your friend about your trip to Great Britain.

Variant 2.

Match the words with their definitions.
To marvel 2) a stride 3) A speculation 4) a host 5) a tomb
6) unparalleled 7) Comprising 8) Mounds 9) Extra-terrestrial
a) a large number of people or things; a person who invites guests to a meal/ party.
b) a large grave, built of stone above or below the ground.
c) being the parts that form something.
d) to be very surprised or impressed by something.
e) connected with life existing outside the earth.
f) a large pile of earth or stones, a small hill.
g) one long step.
h) used to emphasize that something is bigger, better or worse than anything than anything else like it.
i) the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts.

Complete the sentences with the words from the previous task.
Visitors from all over the world come to at this amazing feat of engineering.
Many great have been undertaken in our understanding of the original purpose of Stonehenge.
It was discussed over and over again. As a has gone on over the centuries, a whole of colourful stories has arisen – and the search for explanations is still going strong today.
One of the most popular modern alternative explanations for ​


a)  5 Landmark

b) 8 To exist

c) 6 To inscribe

d) 1 Heritage

e) 6 To launch

f) 2 Convention

g) 4 Mankind

h) 3 Site

According to the Celtic legend, the place was the burial site of ancient kings.

The team’s name is inscribed on the base of the trophy.

One of the Belfast’s most famous landmark, the Grosvenor hall, has been visited by my friends.

We discussed the articles from the European Convention on human rights.

Opportunities existing for our school club to gain sponsorship for a school museum.

These beautiful old buildings are a part of our national heritage.

The exhibition tells the visitors about the most important events in the history of Mankind.

In 2002, a scheme was launched to promote and encourage interest in conserving the area.

Is travelling your hobby?

I’ve always dreamt of visiting great Britain.

I enjoy reading books about wonders of the world.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I couldn’t help smiling when they were planning their trip.

You cannot visit a museum without buying a ticket.

My friends don’t mind me joining them in a tour.

Mary can’t stand going on long walks.

My parents earn their living by building houses.

Jim has started working hard at his English since entering the university.


Write a postcard to your friend about your trip to Great Britain:

Hello, my dear friend!

I'm writing you from Great Britain. I'm on vacation now. The country is really great. I've seen a lot of beautiful places, such as the Trafalgar Square and the Tower.

Looking forward to our meeting.


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1. В данный момент их собака спит.

2. Вчера в 3 часа я смотрел новый фильм.

3. Мы сейчас не читаем, мы пишем.

4. Вчера в 8 часов я гулял со своим другом.

5. Их дети сейчас пьют молоко.

6. Наша соседка сейчас играет на пианино.

7. Вчера в 10 часов я не спал, я мыл посуду.

8. Вчера в 4 часа они шли домой.


1. At the moment, their dog is sleeping.

2. Yesterday at 3 o'clock I watched a new film.

3. We are not reading now, we are writing.

4. Yesterday at 8 o'clock I was walking with my friend.

5. Their children are now drinking milk.

6. Our neighbor is playing the piano now.

7. Yesterday at 10 o'clock I did not sleep, I was washing dishes.

8. Yesterday at 4 o'clock they walked home

4,4(86 оценок)

If you were to ask people what they needed to be happy, two of the most common answers would be health and wealth. Both are definitely necessary for happiness. However, if you could only have one, which is more important? It is my opinion, health wins hands down.

Firstly, health is more important than wealth because if you are physically fit, you will have a sense of well-being. That means that you will feel happy. Wealth does not necessarily do the same. Many people mistakenly think that they would be happy if they had a million ringgit. They think that having more money will solve all their problems. On the contrary, it has been found that being wealthy can actually rob you of your peace of mind. Rich people suffer from more stress, anxiety, suspicion and unhappiness.

Besides that, wealth is of no use without health. To understand this, we must look at why we gather wealth. The purpose of doing so is to be able to supply our daily needs and make ourselves happy by spending on luxuries. Without good health, no matter how much one spends on material things, that person will not be able to enjoy them to the fullest. For example, a person who is unwell would not be able to eat everything he wants to even though he could afford to buy the most expensive food. A person who is bedridden will not be able to enjoy vacations in exotic places even if he owned a private plane. Therefore, health is more important than wealth as wealth is useless without health.

Another point in favour of health is that if you were healthy, you would be able to gain wealth. The reverse is not possible. If a person is healthy, he would be able to find work or carry out investments that could eventually make him wealthy. However, for a person who is wealthy but ill, even the best medical care that money can buy may not guarantee the return of that person's health. This fact alone is sufficient to support the view that wealth is less important than health.

In a nutshell, health is indeed more important than wealth for the reasons explained above. Of course, the ideal situation would be to have both health and wealth. But if you had to choose, pick the one that gives you the greatest amount of happiness

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