Составьте два диалога используя эти слова. НАДО ПРЯМ УМОЛЯЮ
лодка перевернулась A boat capsized
Люди выпали из лодки Some people have fallen
out of the boat
Человек тонет A person is drowning
Ребёнок пропал A child got lost
Несколько человек пропало Some people got lost
Опишите место происшествия Describe the incident
Продолжайте Go ahead
Сколько там пострадавших? How many victims are there?
Пострадавшие в сознании? Are the victims conscious?
Пострадавших нет Я тону! Help! I’m drowning!
Внимание! Возьмите! Watch me! Take it!
Держите! Hold on!
Не могу дотянуться! I can’t get it!!
Постарайтесь дотянуться!Try and reach!
Держитесь! Steady!
Не сдавайтесь! Don’t give up!
Держитесь за руку Grab my hand
Наденьте жилет Put a life jacket on
Человек утонул! A person has drowned!
Где утонул человек? Where has a person drowned?
Там! Over there!
Когда утонул человек? When did a person drown?
Пять минут тому назад Five minutes ago
Человек за бортом! A man overboard!
Как долго находится человек в воде?How long has a man been in the water?
В лодке пробоина The boat has got a hole
В лодку поступает вода The boat is flooding
Яхта терпит бедствие The yacht is in distress
Мы сели на мель We have run a ground
Мы тонем We are sinking
Мы покидаем яхту We leave the yacht
Сколько человек на борту?How many persons are there on board?
Нас пятеро There are five of us
Не волнуйтесь! Don’t worry!
Вас Вас эвакуируют идёт Help is on the way
К вам направляется катер A rescue cutter is coming
The 2000s were marked by significant economic growth in Asian countries, especially in China and India (by analogy with the previous "American century", the XXI century is considered the "Asian century"). Economic growth was accompanied by a rise in oil prices, which reached their all-time high in July 2008. At the same time, the crisis that began in the United States associated with an avalanche-like increase in loan defaults provoked a global recession in 2008.
After the unprecedented scale of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States, the American government declared the so-called. "War on terrorism", in which the wars began in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003). Conflicts continued in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the post-Soviet space. The disintegration of Yugoslavia is over. The expansion of NATO continued, in 2001 the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was established.
There was a widespread introduction of digital technologies: the development of the Internet and a significant increase in its role in society, the spread of mobile phones, digital cameras, the emergence of the Blu-ray format. Construction of the ISS continued. In 2001, the Mir orbital station was flooded. The geography of the "space club" expanded: in 2003, China launched its first cosmonaut into space, and in 2009, Iran launched its first satellite.
As indicated in 2014 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the 2000s were the warmest in the history of meteorological observations.