Рептилии (Reptiles): alligator, crocodile, mud turtle, anaconda, lysard, iguana, rattlesnake, viper, Basilisk, chameleon
Амфибии (Amphibians): toad, salamander, frog
Рыбы (Fishes): flying fish, sole, shark
Птицы (Birds): bobolink, pelican, goose, hummingbird, owl, cockatoo, kingfisher, peacock, mockingbird, nightingale, black grouse, pheasant, hawk, quail, goldfinch, flamingo, ostrich, whippoorwill, canary, swan, yellow Hammer, eagle, lark
Млекопитающие (Mammals): porcupine, whale, panther, monkey, buffalo, hare, dromedary, leopard, bear, elephant, badger, bull, reindeer, guinea pig, dolphin, antelope, weasel, elk, ibex, rhino, kangaroo, jackal, opossum, anteater, bat, rat, camel, mouse, ocelot, wolverine, deer, hippopotamus, armadillo, lioness, lion, dog, tiger, unicorn, gorilla, beaver, fawn, hyena, zebra,
Насекомые (Insects): beetle, dragonfly, honey bee, grasshopper, katydid, moth, scorpion, centipede, butterfly
*Моллюски: snail, periwinkle, nautilus, cuttlefish
**spider - паук, это арахниды, не относятся к насекомым
What is rubbish?
Rubbish is a thing that we don’t need and we
throw away.
What do people do with rubbish?
On the one hand the major part of rubbish is put
in landfill sites.
On the other hand the other part of rubbish is
There are two ways of the disposal of rubbish.
Firstly, it is burning the rubbish. This is very harmful because the gases that
are given off pollute the air. There aren’t many factories that burn the rubbish
because this process is Ecologically-unfriendly. Secondly, it is recycling the
rubbish. This process is Environmentally-friendly.
As for me, I remember the rule of 3 Rs: REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE!
I try to reduce the amount of rubbish I throw away. I buy unpackaged goods,
like fruit and vegetables.
I try to use things as many times as possible. I don’t throw away my old
clothes and furniture because I give them to charity. Somebody probably
wants them.
The Ancient Greeks in about 2500 BC dug a big hole several kilometres
outside town and threw away their rubbish. And we still generally use the
same solution today. So, I hope in the future there will be more factories
which recycle the rubbish and the amount of landfill sites will be reduce.
There are at least twenty Italian restaurants in Little Italy.
Megan took a lot of photographs when she went to the Grand Canyon.
Your book is on the kitchen table.
How many candles are on that birthday cake?
You have several paintings to study in art appreciation class.
There’s a big brown dog running around the neighborhood.