Watch the words in blue in the text with definitions 1-5. 1.Happen 2.Stop something from happening 3.Make something happen 4. Hit something 5. Have a bad effect on something 6. Move smoothly along, across or under a surface.
1.What she told me yesterday turned out to be the truth. – То, что она сказала мне вчера, оказалось правдой. 2.Whether we met there or not does not mean anything now. – Встречались мы или нет, сейчас не имеет никакого значения. 3.The question is whether he knows about her betrayal or not. — Вопрос в том, знает ли он о ее предательстве или нет. 4.The problem was that he treated us as unfamiliar people. – Проблема была в том, что он обращался с нами, как с незнакомыми людьми. 5.He told us that he had seen us buying a bouquet of flowers. – Он сказал, что видел, как мы покупали букет цвето 6.I do not understand what I must do now. – Я не понимаю, что я должна делать сейчас. 7.The house where we once lived has been burnt. – Дом, в котором мы когда-то жили, сгорел. 8.The woman who helped us was a doctor from our local hospital. – Женщина, которая нам, была доктором из нашей районной больницы. 9.The dog sleeps wherever he wants. – Собака спит там, где захочет. 10.She was still crying when he entered the room. – Она все еще плакала, когда он вошел в комнату.
If the weather is nice, we'll go for a walk. If we paid more attention to grammar, we should know the language better. I should not have been late yesterday, if my watch had been right. If he were free, he would do it. If I had worked harder at school, I would have a better job now . We wouldn't be lost if we had looked at the map. If I had won the lottery I would be rich. If people were a little more tolerant ,our world would be a better place. If you hadn't taken so long getting ready,we'd be there by now. If you hadn't spent all your money on CDs you would buy this T-shirt.
1. Happen - take place
2. Stop something from happening - prevent
3. Make something happen - lead/cause
4. Hit something - collide
5. Have a bad effect on something - affect
6. Move smoothly along, across or under a surface - slide