Well, I'm going to give a talk about hobbies.
To begin with, I'd like to say that in the modern world people have to work more and more and teenagers have to study a lot. So, people don't have enough time to have much free time but they find some time for their hobbies.
Hobbies differ like tastes. People choose hobbies according to their character and taste. Hobbies are divided into several types: collecting something, making something, learning something and doing something.
As for modern teenagers, they prefer making things. Thet like drawing or painting. Also, they like sports and activities. Some of them prefer team sports such as volleyball, basketball or football. Many boys and girls like collecting things. Boys usually collect model cars and many girls like dolls or soft toys.
As for me, like most teenagers I don't have much free time. I spend my free time watching videos on YouTube and chatting in socials networks.
I have a hobby. It is making model cars. I like making and then drawing small cars of famous brands. My hobby is really interesting. It helps me know brands of cars.
Люди живут в городах и деревнях. Посмотри на мальчика на картинке. Он живет в джунглях. Его имя Маугли. Он не живет со своими родителями. Его отцом в джугнлях был волк. Его мать Ракша тоже была волком. Его братьями были волчата. Он любил играть с ними. У Маугли было много друзей: медведь Балу, черная пантера Багира и большая змея Ка. Они были добры к Маугли и присматривали за ним. Тигр Шерхан хотел съесть его. В джунглях было много обезьян. Они хотели забрать его потому, что он был похож на обезьяну. Маугли был счастлив в джунглях, потому что это был его дом.
1-dont know
2-to the theatre
3-in the
4-watch a films(не 100%) go to the cinema (100%)
1-when i saw him he watching
3-watched(не 100%)
4-don't swimming now