1. My friend hasn’t come to see me since we spoke last week. – Мой друг меня не навещал с тех пор, как мы разговаривали на неделе.
2. His sister has learnt three foreign languages since the time we last met. – Его сестра выучила три иностранных языка с момента нашей последней встречи.
3. I haven’t been to the Crimea since we got married. – Я не был в Крыму с тех пор, как мы поженились.
4. I’ve known Smirnov since we were little children. - Я знаю Смирнова с тех пор, когда мы были детьми.
5. Have you been to the Caucasus since you were promoted? – Вы были на Кавказе с тех пор, как получили повышение?
Форма времени глагола-сказуемого:
в главном предложении - Present Perfect (hasn't come/has learnt/haven't been/have known/ have been)
в придаточном предложении - Past Simple (spoke/met/got married/were/were promoted)
1) how did people live without environmental information if travelers died?
2) Did no one really write books before these famous personalities? Or were they just not popular?
3) Why now less and less people write and read books?